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Hello. This story is about Shikadai, the son of Shikamaru and Temari who is going through a rough battle about his eating habits. In no way is this story here to make fun or discourage those who are realistically suffering from eating disorders.

As always, my box is open and remember you are not alone.



Q: Interestingly, why is this story based on Shikadai and not Cho-Cho?
A: I have always been a Shikatema shipper ever since Naruro has caught my eye. So my selection of Shikadai is biased. However, Cho-Cho would make a lot more sense.

Q: How was this story topic brought up?
A: I was actually eating a bowl of soup and rice. I do not eat with my phone at times, and my thoughts took up the best of me. Also, I am currently watching Boruto right now.

Q: What would you say to someone who is reading this story and is actually one of the following: overweight, underweight, suffering in any eating disorder, or is self-conscious of themselves regarding to size?
A: In regards to body size, it can be a very touch subject for many people. But to be quite realistic, your body image reflects on your appreciation for food, or at least, that's how I see it. Of course, health risks are a very real thing, so please be careful. And if you or a loved one is suffering from difficult eating habits or disorders, never be afraid to call out for help.

Less Than Your Average Bowl of Rice [Shikadai Story]Where stories live. Discover now