chapter fourteen | sadie

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"You know what's worse than feeling numb?— feeling like you're drowning, Like no matter what you do you can't keep your head above the water, because every time you breathe, you can feel the fire fill your lungs."

beautiful storms | chapter fourteen

"Are you okay?"

Sadie feels someone tap on her shoulder and she glances next to her and she sees Jessica. Sadie nods before turning back to the football field. Jessica sits next to her.

Jessica's gentle stare against her face makes her turn away from her. Sadie repeatedly taps her thigh.

"I'm fine."

She knew she wasn't fine, she would never be just fine. You could say she's slowly dying from the inside but that would be a complete lie. The thing is she's already dead. The bags under her eyes could tell you that, the dark lines added sadness to her eyes, wrapping her gentle features into something more depressing; maybe she was truly dying.

Was she in hell?

Was hell other people?

Is this my hell?

She didn't want to feel so dead inside but it's the only thing she has ever felt. Death. Death's her best friend. Death surrounds her like a blanket that would never keep her warm. Death follows her. Stay away from me, you might perish like the rest of them.

"You don't look okay."

Jessica pokes Sadie's shoulder and she turns to look at her. What do you want from me?— I already have enough people hurting me, I don't need to add one more.

"Why aren't you with your friends?"

Jessica sighs, the smile she didn't even know she was wearing fell.

"They aren't my friends." She whispers. The color drains from her eyes and she looks away from Sadie. Sadie pokes her shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Jessica laughs and Sadie smiles then she stops herself and it turns into a frown. She wasn't used to smiling.

"Just toxic friends." She tells her.

Sadie looks out to the football field and she watches a group of boys playing Football.

"Sometimes people aren't for you." Sadie rubs her nose and Jessica sighs next to her.

"I know, you don't have to tell me that. It's just hard when you actually cared for them and you still do so it's hard to let go."

"Everyone has to let go."

"You're talking more than usual."

Sadie doesn't say anything and she rolls her eyes. She stretches the back of her head. Well, don't get used to it.

"I don't have to talk."

"You're not obligated to talk to me, Sadie. We can just sit here until the class is over in complete silence for all I care."

Sadie sighs.

She throws her book bag on her bed and opens it pulling out her books then the door opens and her body immediately tenses up, sending a shiver down her body.

The door closes and it locks. His presence hovers over hers.

"Turn around Sadie." He whispers in her ear.

She violently shakes her head and she grips the book in her hand as she pulls it out. He places his hand on her shoulder and just as he turns her to look at him, she lifts the book in her hands, and the hardcover book slams against his face.

He stumbles backward before catching himself. Her breathing becomes heavy as she backs away from him and he pants as he stands up.

Then he starts to laugh.

He rubs his cheek and the skin starts to turn pink and a bruise forms slowly.

"Sadie..." He says her name ever so slowly. He rolls up his sleeves and a sinister smirk appears on his lips.

"Come here."

His voice is demanding but she doesn't listen, standing her ground. She doesn't move a muscle and she stares him down. She uses a few drops of confidence in these moments and it only lasted as when he wasn't standing so close to her.

"Did you call your grandmother?"

He cracks his knuckles as he stares down at them and he slowly steps closer to her. Her heart rapidly beats and she clenches her hands into fists.

"No." She says.

"Who else would call her but you?!—you're the only one asked about her, Sadie."

Her eyes widen and he's inches away from her. Her throat closed and she couldn't breathe. He grabs her chin and makes her meet his eyes, the eyes that swirled with fury.

"If she comes, I'm gonna tell her everything and tell Jude."

"I didn't do anything."

"They don't know that, my sweet, sweet Sadie."

He twirls a single blonde strand between his fingers.

"They'll believe anything I say, especially Jude. He would be so angry with you, Sadie. He's just that gullible, he can't help it."

He kisses her cheek and he brushes the strand behind her ear but he doesn't pull away from her, he only gets closer. He watches as a tear runs down her cheek and he wipes it away.

Could a person's heartbreak more than it already has?

"Don't hit me ever again because I can do way worse to you." He threatens her and she doesn't say a word and she nods, closing her eyes.

"Go to the bed."

"Jessica is lactose intolerant but she still eats ice cream because she's a fucking dumbass."

"I refuse to give up ice cream and you know that. That's like telling Jude he couldn't eat pizza ever again."

Sadie tunes them out and she closes her eyes. She didn't want to be there nor did she want to be alone with Hayes. So, She just picked to go with them.

Jude said Sadie needed to make more friends so Cara made Jessica come to the Cafe where she worked.

She sits with Jude, Cara, and Jessica in the corner of the cafe. She kicks her legs and they hit against her chair. She stares down at her hands.

Her mind fills with tainted thoughts, not that she could control them so she let them run free.

"Are you okay?" She glances up and she sees Jessica stares at her.

She smiles and she nods. Why would I be okay?--Sarcasm wasn't her thing.

"Are you okay?" She mocks her and Jessica scoots her chair closer to Sadie and she bumps her shoulder into hers.

"As good as it gets."

She turns to her brother as he speaks to Cara who is so engaged in what he was talking about. Cara nods slowly and she taps her nails on the tables. They both stare into each other's eyes.

"Do you think they know it's pretty obvious they like each other or not?"

Sadie laughs.

"Jude is too stupid to know if it hit him in the head and he doesn't have the guts to actually admit it."

Jessica nods as she stares over at Sadie.

"Neither of them would." She says slowly.

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