chapter twenty-four | sadie

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*Homophobic slur used.*

"Little by little,

day by day,

what is meant for you will find its way."

beautiful storms | chapter twenty-four

Sadie has been a bit moody for the last few days and she doesn't know why. She hasn't thought about Hayes in a few days but that was after she began to cut again. God, she just wanted to feel something again. When she cut herself, she actually felt something, she felt alive and she didn't want to open fresh wounds that he had caused in her mind so she made real ones to cope with the pain of the ones he caused.

They were starting to itch in the middle of the gym so she ran into the girl's locker room and it wasn't locked surprisingly.

She sits down on the bench by her locker. "Have you heard that Jessica has been missing from school for awhile?" Sadie hears the voices of the girls Jess used to call her friends but they aren't much of anything now are they?

"I think her dad is abusing her again before she left, she had a black eye but she wouldn't explain how she got it. Also Cara hasn't been to school either I've noticed."

Sadie gulps and she leans up against her locker. Fuck. It's been days since she's seen Cara at their house and Jude hasn't been in the greatest mood since.

"She deserves it, fucking faggot. You know she's into girls, I almost puked when she told me."

Sadie tenses as she listens more and she starts to lose a piece of herself as she listens and she feels herself grow angry and before she notices she walks over to the other set of the lockers. She clenches her fists and the girls hadn't noticed her yet.

"She's into girls."

The other girl gasps and then she turns seeing Sadie and she sizes her before looking back to her friend who does the same.

"Isn't that the girl she's been hanging out with?- is she gay too?" The girl whispers but Sadie hears her and before she knew she had charged at the girl knocking her to the ground and she punches the girl in the nose.

"You have no right to speak about her like that." She yells in the girl's face and Sadie gets pulled off her by the other girl and the other girl throws her against the locker.

The girl glares slits at Sadie and the girl slaps Sadie before helping her friend back up.

"No wonder she hangs out with the freak."

She laughs and Sadie sides against the lockers. She coughs and she glances down at her hand seeing small droplets of blood. Her lip is bleeding. She bangs her head on The locker and she watches as they leave. Why do you have to be so stupid? She balls up her fist and she breathes out slowly and unclenches it. Tears fall down her face and quickly wipes them away. Why'd you have to like her out of all people?

"Why is your lip busted?" Jude says.

Sadie walks into the kitchen and grabs a water bottle then she leaves but Jude follows before her.

"Sadie!" He shouts behind her and he follows her into her room and she throws the water bottle on her bed.

"What?" She snaps and she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Why is your lip busted?"

Sadie doesn't say anything and she sits down on her bed and she crosses her legs under one another.

"Sadie, what happened?" Jude says as he sits down next to her and she rolls her eyes.

"A girl slapped me because I punched her friend, Okay?"

"Why did you punch her?"

"Because she was being a homophobic bitch."

"I don't know if I should be mad at you or proud of you."

Sadie falls back on her bed, exhausted and she covers her face with her hands.

"Have you heard from Cara?"

"Not since a few days ago after she told me her dad was back."

Sadie sighs.

"Aren't the littlest bit worried about them?"

"I am."

Sadie couldn't sleep. Her mind couldn't get off of Jess and Cara. She knew the longer they stayed there the more the damage would be. Considering she's stuck at home now since her Grandmother grounded her for fighting so she couldn't go to their house.

So she stands up from her bed and she marches towards Jude's room and barges in.

"Wake up."

She turns on his lights and he groans loudly. "Sadie, it's 2am. Go to sleep." He lifts his cover to block him from the light and she rips it off on him.

"We need to go get Cara and Jess." She demands and Jude sits up in his bed and rubs his eyes.

"Okay, can I wake up first?"

He yawns and she pulls at his hand, trying to get him out of bed.

"She always leaves her car keys on the counter so just grab them and let's go, Dumbass." He finally gets out of bed and she drags from into the kitchen and he grabs the keys from the counter.

"I don't think this is a good idea." He says sleepily and she rolls her eyes.

"I have never been a fan of good ideas."

"How do you even know where they lived?"

"I have my ways."

"Fucking stalker."

Jude turns off the headlights and he parks. Sadie takes out her phone and she calls Cara.

"Can you come outside and Oh and bring Jess with you."

"You're insane." Jude lays his head on the steering wheel and he shuts his eyes, wanting to sleep but Sadie flicks his head.

"I'm not insane." She says and he turns his head to the window.

"Sure, you aren't." He yawns again.

Minutes later, Cara walks out of her front door and Jessica trails behind her. Cara opens the back seat and she lets Jessica in who moves until she is behind Jude and she is behind Sadie.

"Jude, why are you here?"

"Sadie dragged me out of bed."

Jessica laughs as she stares out the window. Cara sighs as she tells Jessica to put on her seatbelt and she does the same.

"Cara you sleep in Jude's room and only if you promise that you two won't do the nasty and Jessica can sleep in my room." Sadie gives orders as She opens the front door and Jude groans going into his room with Cara behind him.

"I heard about what happened at school." Jessica says when they enter Sadie's room.

She sits down on Sadie's bed and Sadie sits next to her.

"I'm pretty sure I could've handled it bett-."

"Thank you." Jess turns to look at Sadie and she leans in kissing her cheek and Sadie blushes before she coughs.

"It's no problem."

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