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"This fucking chicken tastes so fucking nice! Where the fuck did you get it?!" Lisa exclaims with her eyes dilating by the scent and flavor of the chicken she's holding. Hoseok spares a glance at the blonde girl, "Quit cursing, you're just twelve."

Jungkook snorts as Hoseok scolds his girlfriend, Lisa. Whilst Jennie is on the corner eating quietly, merely even listening to the people around her.

"Psh, I am not twelve years old! Excuse me i'm a grown woman with a job and─"

"Shush!" Hoseok grabs a boneless chicken from the bucket then shoves it inside the younger's mouth. "There, now shut up and just eat."

Jungkook bursts out laughing as Lisa's face is now stuffed and full, Hoseok giggles a little, and Lisa glares at the two.

Aggressively munching the food, Lisa kills the two in her mind. "Aww is little Lisa angry, nyenye." Hoseok teases even more, Jungkook is almost dying because of his funny-looking girlfriend.

Jennie couldn't help but to look left and right trying to find out what's happening.

Why are they laughing?

"Lisa?" Jennie tries to call the girl but she's too busy fighting with Hoseok. "H-Hoseok-Oppa?" Again, he didn't mind Jennie. "Jungkook?" Jungkook is too occupied by his laughter.

Jennie bites her lips, jealousy steaming inside of her.

The three keep on bickering and it's kicking her faucet of tears. Jennie is sensitive. She hates it when she's not given enough attention, although it's kinda childish, but, when you're blind and can't see the world and your friends are having fun without you knowing what's happening,

How would you feel?

"G-Guys?" Jennie voices out again. The three continues to laugh. "Lisa looks like a fucking chipmunk!" Jungkook bangs the table with his out-of-breath state. "Yes! Her face goes like this," Hoseok imitates the way Lisa's face is stuffed with the chicken. Lisa rolls her eyes at their childishness.

"Guys?" Jennie repeats, this time, with a hope that the three might hear her. Unfortunately, her voice isn't that loud enough.

"Guys!" Jennie stands up, the three finally heard her. They advert their attention to the girl who is staring at nowhere with both of her hands gripping at the table. Their eyes soften.

"Shit, Jennie, sorry." Hoseok mumbles but Jennie dismisses it as she exits the dining hall without even grabbing her walking stick, luckily, she made it to her room.

Jennie quickly leans on a wall near the doorframe, slowly sliding down on the cold ground. The poor girl cradles herself up, with her arms wrapping around her knees.

She hears it.

She hears the footsteps coming towards her. She hears the soft chirps of the evening insects. She hears the wind whistling. She hears her ragged breaths.

But deep inside, she wants to see the moon. She wants to see the way it spirals down on the delicate clouds as it colors the empty canvas of the world. She wants to see her friends smiling at the jokes Hoseok makes. She wants to see her bed. Her walking stick. Her house. Her mom.


Jennie wants to see it all.

But, God forbids her. It was like she has been forgotten by the saints above because of the ungranted prayers she's been doing. As far as Jennie knows, all she did was to save a life.

Why did she have to go through this?

With that thought, the tears on her eyes start to drop on the epitome of her cheeks. She can hear her sobs softly muttering on her lips. Jennie closes her eyes only to see the same darkness.

The pigment of black. The same blurry figurines in her mind. The same imagination that she can see again.

Jennie wishes that this is just a dream.

As her heart is now in agony, she yells.

She yells all of her pain out.

The footsteps become louder and Jennie knows that her friends are coming. There's a thud next to her. She's guessing that one of her friends kneels down to meet her height.

"Eonnie," it's Lisa. "Eonnie, are you ok─"

"I-I c-can't live like this anymore!" Jennie bursts, cutting Lisa off. "I-I can't bare to see nothing but this awful darkness!" She covers her face, easing her sobs down. "I-I just want to see you, to see mom, to see Hoseok, to see Jungkook," she hiccups, "I-I wanna see again."

"Let me see again, please please please!" Jennie screams and Lisa gently hugs her Eonnie, calming her down. The younger looks at the two guys standing not far away from them.

Hoseok glances at Jungkook, "I think we should do it."

Jungkook sighs, "Okay."

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