i see you

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Jennie leans at the tree where pink petals grow gracefully. The barks of the tree curved her back as it smoothens her feelings inside.

Right beside the tree is an empty small house that is filled with moss, branches, bugs, untold stories and secrets.

She looks straight ahead and suddenly, everything silences down.

All she could hear is her heart creating a beat. All she could feel is the petals effortlessly falling on her delicate skin. All she could smell is the sweet fragrance of spring.

And all she could see is the man who is walking closer to her. He has a smile on his face.

Jennie's lips twitch a little. But she doesn't notice a tear slipping out of her right eye.

She misses him so much.

"Thank you," a mumble of cry. Jennie emits a mumble of cry. She raises her hand a little, as if she's trying to touch the man.

The man, or should I say, Taehyung becomes a blurry figure. But, Jennie sees him. He's dressed in white polo shirt and black jeans.

He's waving his hands at her.

Jennie slowly waves back, beaming despite her tears.

He's finally gonna go.

"Good bye." She mutters.

As if Taehyung heard him, he puts his hands down.

He might be all blurry but Jennie sees his smile. That same boxy smile.

He stays for a little while before turning around. Jennie watches as he walks to the light. She quietly sobs with a smile on her face.

Leaning away from the tree, Jennie enthusiastically waves her hand at him even though he couldn't see her.

"Bye, Taehyung!" She yells, hoping it will reach him.

Jennie drops her hand when he turns his face to her again.

As if he's waiting for something.

And Jennie smiles because she knows what it is.

She touches her chest, heaving a deep breath before saying,

"I see you."

And then Taehyung smiles back.


Jennie hears his voice. And she has never been happier.

Jennie watches as he turns around again, walking away.

And then...

He disappears.

Jennie opens her eyes. The ceilings welcome her.

And for the first time, she has tears in her eyes.

And a smile on her face.

He dreamed about Taehyung. For the second time.

And this is what she needs. To move forward like he did.

Jennie slowly sits up on her bed, looking at the letters and his mixtape next to her. She smiles, knowing that Taehyung is sitting on the clouds, waiting for her.

author's :
i fucking cried--



y'all need some tissues.

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