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LISTEN TO : THE SONG ABOVE or you could listen to, Nakaw Na Mundo by Aiza Siguerra. (Nakaw Na Mundo would fit so well, guys. Even if you're not a filipino, you're gonna cry.)

Jennie opens the door of her house with Lisa by her side.

She looks around to see a clean and fresh house. There are some stupendous furnitures with homy designs, there's a bookshelf placed near the table filled with picture frames and certificates, a lamp is standing near the couch, a tv is plastered on the green walls, and some markings are placed on the floor.

Jennie sees it all.

For two years she has been blind. This is the first time she sees these again. Before, everything around here is not that simple. Jennie liked to decor the sala sets with wallpapers, tiny ornaments, pasted letters, and more. She guesses that it's either her mom or her friends who rearranged these whilst she was still blind.

Lisa holds Jennie's arm, making sure she wouldn't fall. "Welcome home!"

Welcome home.

It should be nothing but welcoming and heartwhelming. But all Jennie feels is her heart shattering into million little pieces.

Those are the exact words Taehyung said before he,

Before he drifts away.

"Welcome home, Kim Jennie."

His words echoed. Jennie has her chin trembling, eyes beclouding with tears, and lungs suffocating.

Staying strong whilst you're practically falling apart is hard.

Lisa settles Jennie down on the couch. Jennie watches as Lisa grabs a plastic bag filled with papers inside of it.

The letters.

Is Lisa going to read me some letters? Jennie asks herself.

Lisa flops down next to the older. "Ah eonnie?" She starts, hands fidgeting on one another. Jennie looks at the bag then at the younger. "Yes?"

The blonde sighs. "How are you feeling?" Jennie gulps, copying Lisa's actions. "I-I─" she takes a deep breath. "I'm doing great." Jennie smiles to show Lisa that she's never been better.

But she's not. Nothing feels alright if she feels like there's a missing piece inside of her heart. Like someone inside of it is mourning for someone whom she met at a dream. A dream that was slipping off her hands too soon.

A dream where she used to see Taehyung.

Jennie spent her days at the hospital with some empty cup of coffees, overthinking, eye check up's, crying, and sleeping. She tried to sleep, hoping that she would wake up at Taehyung's lawn, then she would freak out, and then Taehyung will calm her down.

Like before.

But her dreams were all black and monotonous.

Taehyung wasn't there.

Another sigh escapes Lisa's cherry lips. "Eonnie, there's something I wanna talk to you about." Jennie's ears perk up; her breath is going deeper than usual. "What?"

Lisa places the plastic bag at Jennie's lap. Jennie stares at the bag, furrowing her eyebrows. "What about this?" The younger purses her lips. "Do you remember these letters? The one I read to you?" Jennie nods her head. "The letters that our classmates sent? A-And also, Jimin sent?"

Lisa swallows the lump on her throat, breath hitching. "Yes those were it. But," Lisa pauses and Jennie trembles her hands with questions arousing on it. "But?"

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