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Jennie feels something underneath her palms.

It's pointed, a little bit sharp but it's quite comfortable. With closed eyes, Jennie moves her arms a little. She can feel more of this sharp thing, but then something passes on her hand.

Jennie furrows her eyebrows as she feels the texture of it. It's warm, almost like a human's hand.

"Wake up."

There's a voice. The voice is not far away from her but it's deep. It sends shivers down her spine because she knows that she doesn't know this guy.

Because aside from the steps to reach the kitchen, Jennie memorized the voices around her.

When it's high-pitched, Jennie knows that it's Hoseok. When it's low and steady, the voice belongs to Jungkook. When it's feminine, sharp, and bold, it's her mom. And when it's cheeky, sweet, and also feminine, it's Lisa.

But this deep voice. She doesn't recognize it anywhere.

Now, Jennie refuses to open her eyes. Afraid at the thoughts knocking on her head.

A kidnapper? Is it a kidnapper?

What if he's a murderer?

O-Or─ no way... a fucking alien?!

Am I in outerspace? Is this where i'll die? Fuck fuck fuck!

I still want to have kids!

I still want to see Paramore live please let me─ oh right i'm blind.

B-But still! Don't let me die! I─

"Why are you shaking?" The voice asks.

Jennie is in fear. She's really afraid.

"Don't be scared. Just, open your eyes." The voice snorts.

Jennie wants to laugh at him if it isn't for her fear. It's just that, is this man really ordering her to open her eyes? Really?

As if she could see him.

Is this a dream?

Jennie feels a movement on the left side of her waist. She can feel a hand merely touching the sides of it. "Wake up," again, the voice resonates.

Jennie doesn't obey him and she continues to close her eyes, tightly.

"If you don't wake up, you'll miss the spring."

Jennie's tight eyes loosen.

Did he just say, spring? She thinks, moving her fingers a little. She begins to think that she's dreaming.

But everything feels real.

Just one look, Jennie.

What? She's blind? Are you crazy? Really?

It's just looking! Nothing's wrong with that.

It is wrong!

Don't obey the stranger, Jennie.







Jennie battles with her mind if she should obey this stranger. After a few minutes of battling, Jennie softens her orbs.

"Relax," the voice sounds so soft. "It'll be okay."

Jennie doesn't know why, but there's this magnetic field that pulls her into trusting him. So, she did peek a little.

And no way.

She can see something... it's blue.

Is that the sky?

Her heart starts to pound.

Jennie opens her eyes slowly, and her vision is blurry. "Oh, holy shit." She sits up to reveal tons of blurry flowers.

"N-No way! I'm dreaming." Looking down, she sees that her body was lying on the sharp edges of the grass.

Then slowly, Jennie's vision, one by one, particle by particle, becomes... clear.

"O-Oh my God!" Jennie covers her mouth, trying to maintain the incoherent sobs that are forming on her mouth.

"I-I can see!" Jennie's eyes produce small drops of tears because of joy.

She looks up to see the bluish sky, then, she looks behind her and sees a house with flowers lining up its area. She feels like she might cry because of how beautiful it is. She thought she forgot about the sights of this kind of nature because she thought she's going be blind forever.

But now, her eyes are widely open. And she can see the world.

Her gaze divert at her left to see an incredible sight of falling flowers from the trees and some are even from a cherry blossom one.

The sight is breathtaking.

Jennie hiccups her smile out, "Oh my dear Lord."

Jennie turns right.

"O-Oh shit."

She sees a beautiful man that is inches away from her, he's sitting at the grass too. He has this smile on his face, it's soft and genuinely happy.

When Jennie's tongue got stuck on her throat, the guy opens his mouth,


author's :
i love updating this♡

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