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~ Meanwhile ~


I traveled at the north of the Lovely World. I looked back at it for my final moments of farewell. I waved at it and continued my journey. I took my stuff with me.

At day, I travel. At night, I sleep. I outwitted every obstacle that comes in my way. At last, I arrived at a meadow, which seems familiar to me. Yes, it is the battlefield which Stampy and Target battled with. I journeyed across the meadow and headed for the mountain.

In the middle of my journeys, I found a faithful friend. I called her Leela, to remind me of Lee. She traveled with me to my quests up the mountain.

We arrived at the foot of the mountain just before sunset, and I was exhausted. We climbed up a bit and camped out. The moon is starting to climb, while the sun is buried at the horizon. I set up a tent for me and Leela. We roasted pork chops and slept at moon high. It was, indeed, a long adventure.


" You alright Lee? You look sad. " Stampy tried to comfort me.

" Yeah, I'm alright. " I said, looking down.

" You can tell your problems to me " He said, sitting beside me at my attic room on my bed.

" Sorry Stamps.. You're not the kind of person whom I can tell my problems with.. " I said.

" Is it Jessica? " A voice said down the ladders. Squid suddenly appeared at the peak of the ladders. He slowly approached us. " Is it Jessica who is bothering you, mate? " He repeated.

I just simply nodded.

" Well I think it's the right time " Stampy chimed.

" What right time? " I asked.

" To tell what happened to Jessica after your talk to her! " He said.

" Alright Stamps.. Eager for secrets eh? " I teased before beginning.

" I am always, and you know that Lee " Stampy said.

" Me too mate " Squid chimed.

" So.. " I began.

~ Time Skip ~

" ..And that's what's going on for about 2 days or so " I explained.

" Ender eh? Never heard of her. But I'm ready to take down another villain with my own bare tentacles! " Squid said courageously while holding his tentacles up.

" Easy, tiger. It's Jessica, who is the villain, not the ender girl " Stampy said.

" Jessica? But she's our friend! " Squid exclaimed.

" Not today, nor tomorrow " Stampy simply said before going down the ladders.

Me and Squid were just head tilted. Squid looked at me and asked one very last question.

" Did she told you where she went? "

" Not a word " I said.

Squid bowed his head and walked down the ladders. I sighed and sat down at my bed. I lied down and closed my eyes.



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