Prologue + Chapter 1

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Honey's P.O.V

Why? Why am I getting ready for work at 6:30 in the morning? This stupid bank doesn't even pay me enough! Actually let me see what is going happening on twitter. OMG Kim Kardashian is pregnant again!

Harry's P.O.V

Why? Why am I getting up for work at 10:30 in the morning? Actually screw that I want money! "Boys! It's time to rob a bank! One hour; to get yourself sorted and ready for action, maybe say bye to your girls because they ain’t coming with us today." 


"Harry mate, we need to go!" Can Louis shut his stupid trap for two minutes? This isn't our everyday task, we are robbing a fucking bank. "I'm in charge and I say we check once more that everyone knows what they are doing and what weapons they are going to be carrying." The anger boiling up inside me as I explained- very kindly to Louis the dangers of this job. 

The team was running low on ammunition and good quality weapons. This job had to go well or I don't know what we are going do. "Remember first thing is to get everyone on the floor and cut all the cameras; Niall that’s your job, the switch bored should be the manager office." I then went on to explain all the other roles for the day.

We had two cars for the mission. Car one was made up of myself Louis and Zayn. Car two was Niall and Liam. Niall needed as protection as possible, that’s why we are going in first. (You know leaving a clear trail for him to run into the manager’s room without risk.)  Everyone was in the cars but me; as it was my house I was in charge of make sure that all windows and doors where bolted or locked and all safes where secured.

I can’t admit to the team that I am kind of worried about this; it’s one of the most public and high risk missions we have done since I have taken over from my dad. My eyes landed on the large bottle of vodka sat on my kitchen table, I know I shouldn’t but I need this right now. But one gulp turned into two, just before I was going to take a third swing on the burning liquid, I feel a light vibration coming from my back pocket. My beautiful baby sister was calling me. “Gemma, I’m about to go on the road what is it?” I could hear her breathing but no words came out. “I thought you was, had one of those feelings again. I just wanted to wish you luck and remind you that my dance show it tomorrow and I really want to see you.”

“Don’t worry I will be there princess. I will call you when the job is done; but right now I really need to go.”  She whispered a faint goodbye before the line went dead. Hearing her voice make me all the more determined to succeed today. “Harry come on or we will miss the opportunity.” Zayn’s voice echoed around my large but very empty house.

Honey’s P.O.V

“Welcome to the bank of Cambridge. How may I-” I was speaking to a middle aged woman with dark brown hair cut into a stylish bob, when a group of 5 men stormed into the building screaming and shouting. “GET DOWN ON THE GROUND OR WE WILL SHOOT EVERY FUCKING ONE OF YOU!” one screamed while firing shots into the ceiling. I wanted to follow his instructions but I just froze. I was like a statue never moving. “I thought I told you to get on the floor princess.” A pair of deep green eyes found mine and a husky voice spoke quietly to me. Sensing my fear and lack of current talking ability, the stranger grabbed my arm dragging me to the other side of the desk. But I stumbled over my bag and ended up collapsing into his arms; "Falling for me already?" he whispered. 

"Mate we got what we needed drop the chick we need to leave!" Another guy in a ski mask spoke as he patted the mystery man on the back. "No she is coming with us." He snapped. It seems that I wasn’t the only one who was surprised as the guy in the ski masked began arguing with green eyes.

I'm guessing they had forgotten I was stood there debating whether to run or not so I decided to interject; as soon as I begun to speak I knew I had made a terrible mistake. "Hi guys, just a suggestion how about I go home, if the police ask I say that I just followed the same instructions as everybody else." It was just a suggestion and to me it seemed like the best one. Both parties can go on with their lives and act like nothing ever happened. "Sorry love but I'm in charge and I say you’re coming with us. Now shut that pretty little mouth and let’s move out.”

2 Hours Later

I can only assume that we had arrived at our destination; I say assume because these bitches tied a flannel shirt around my eyes! “Come on sweetheart time to get up.” I reach up to take the blindfold off when my hand is ripped from face. “Na baby we are not indoors yet.”

“Can we stop with the fucking nicknames and let me take this shitting thing off!” I was caught off guard when a hand came colliding with my cheek leaving a harsh stinging sensation. “Zayn control yourself or Perrie will pay the price.” I could now recognise green eyes’ voice nearing closer to me. I flinched slightly as I felt his hand slowly caressed my cheek where Zayn’s hand had previously been. “Let’s get this old thing off you and then we can take a tour of your new home.” Wait … home… I already have a home and these people are criminals!

All the fear and worry was washed away when I finally the pleasure of seeing my kidnappers face. Holy shit he is beautiful. “Thanks.” He chucked meaning either he is a skilled mind reader or I just sad that out loud embarrassing myself in front of this God like creature! “The second one babe but keep these compliments coming.”

“Screw you! Can we get this tour done with so I can hide in my new room?” I huffed with my words soaked in sarcasm. “Fine by me. Everybody report to the living room, girls included!” Wait was there like prostitution going on in here? Where the girls used as sex slaves? Was I going to forced as well? A wave of panicked rushed through my veins as I began to think of horrible things that could accrue in this maze. “Right so the one in the red shirt is Louis and he is with blue hair over there.” He shared pointing to the girl sat on Louis’ lap. “Actually my name is Eleanor but I prefer El just never Ellie.” Well blue made that very clear. “Next we have the tank his name is Liam and he is with that one called Danielle.” I got the sense that not many people like Danielle, she was gorgeous with the nicest curls I’ve ever seen. “Next we have the arsehole who slapped you and his girl.” Zayn scoffed and just rolled his eyes. “You hit her! For fuck sake Zayn she has been here two minutes. Excuse my pig of a boyfriend I’m Perrie.”

“And this is your room. It’s across from mine so if you have any troubles I’m just here okay?” I took a seat on the bed just looking around helplessly. “I know it’s not an ideal situation but you will love it I know. Now take some time to rest because, as soon as you wake up we begin your training.”

A/n: Sooooo the first chapter is up I would love to know your thoughts. What I have planned is so mad so I don’t know if im going to stick to it but please tell me what you think

 so  وداعا واستمتع - i belive is Arabic for Good bye and enjoy

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