Unbearable past

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Laying in my bed and seeing the sky, makes me feel a lot of things and then again nothing. Who is this new me? What do I like, what's my type? I don't even got no friends, anyone to blurt my heart out. Will I get back my memory? As Anne was thinking of her new life, she heard car horns. She stood up and walked over to the window and saw a beautiful girl. She had olive skin tone with a touch of glamour, light brown hair and a fit body. She waved at to me. "Anne! Baby come down, I've got something for you."  Who that might be? Maybe she doesn't know about me yet. I guess I can talk to her and see if it helps my memory to come back faster. Anne goes downstairs as fast as she could. There she saw the girl. Before she could say anything, the girl jumped into her arms. "Oh my god baby I missed you so much. I got your favourite chocolates. Let's go for a short drive!"  "Um, Sasha we need to talk" Melvin interrupted. "What happened? Are you guys mad at me for something or did u two have a fight? Should I come another day?" "No it's nothing of that sort. Come over here, sit."  Melvin and Sasha went to the living room, Anne followed them. They sat down. You could feel the suspense in Sasha's eyes. "Okay you gotta tell me what's the tea. I'm scared now." " Anne woke up this morning hung up on her past, probably 2017. She doesn't remember anything that happened between these years." "What the hell does that supposed to mean? Are you trying to say she forgot every freaking thing between the years of 2017-2024?" "Yes, it's still a shock to us. I don't know what I'm gonna do with her. Adel appointed us this evening to see a doctor. He will be here any minute. Only the doctor can tell us what has happened." Sasha sat in silence and stared at Anne. She jumped into her arms crying, "I'm sorry this happened to you. Don't worry we will get through this. If you're wondering about me, I'm your bestest friend for 7years. Just go to the doctor today. We will start working on your memory later." Anne let out a faint smile and nodded. Sasha hugged her and left. Melvin came up to Anne, " Are you okay? Know that you can tell me literally anything, if you're down or not feeling good just tell me okay?" "Yes bro I'll" as Melvin and Anne exchanged their deep conversations, Adel came through the door. "Hello guys, I'm back from work and now it's time for Anne to see the doctor. I'll be waiting outside, come ASAP!"

Melvin and Adel keep waiting outside, "I'm so worried about her Adel, she still has her whole future ahead. I don't even know if this is permanent. I haven't told mom and dad yet." "Hey, just chill okay? We are gonna get through this I promise." Anne came up to the car, opened the door and sat inside, "hey, um I'm here. Let's go I guess?" "Yeah let's go. sit back and listen to some songs. You'll be relaxed."

There they were standing outside Doctor Keith's chamber. "I'll wait here, you two go ahead. Best of luck!" Melvin opened the door and Anne went inside. "Good evening!come on sit down! How are you, my child?" "Hello, I'm alright." Doctor Keith looked at her for awhile and then proceeded to ask Melvin, "So tell me what's the matter?" Melvin blurted out a sigh and told everything that happened this morning. "I'm so sorry that you're going through this at such a young age. Don't worry I'll try my best to help you. But you have to do some tests at first then we can know what actually happened. But based on everything that I just heard, I think you had a partial memory loss. You forget everything in between a specific amount of time. It's one of the rarest case that you're dealing with. It can happen due to an injury or some disturbing memories or events that haunts you or hurts you everyday in different forms. As I learned from your record, you haven't had any kinda head injuries so I guess you had a traumatising past." "I don't get it, I mean she's been living with me for long enough, I haven't seen her dealing with any major issues or depression." "Well, I mean kids always hide stuff for many reasons and sometimes for nothing." Melvin looks at Anne in a sorrowful way, he notices that her hands are shaking. He holds her hand and makes a gesture telling her that it's alright. As Anne starts to speak, words fight their way around, "Is it permanent? Will I never get back my memory?" " Yes my child, you will if you're one of the lucky ones. You have to do some things for that. I'll just write down the exercises and prescribe the medicines you need to take. Besides, you have to make contact with each and every person that are or were important enough for you. You gotta talk to them, bond with them and a,so go through the stuff that makes u feel their presence." "But I don't remember anyone being a part of me in between all these years." Melvin finally spoke up, "I'll help you. I'll make sure that you meet them. Doesn't matter if they're not a part of your life anymore. You have to get to know them again but this time for yourself." "Yes you're doing the right thing Melvin. I need you to take good care of her. She shouldn't take any kinda pressure. Take her out at least once or twice every week if you have work pressure. Take her to the places she's been before. Avoid any kinda stress. Another thing, she can get seizures every now and then. There's nothing to worry about, call me immediately if it happens. If I'm unable to reach, just interact with her and make her feel comfortable. It'll be over in a few minutes." "Sure thank you, we'll contact you."

"This is harder than I though Melvin! I've said much words since morning because this is all so freaking crazy! I don't know what to do and what to say, how to act like me because guess what? I don't even know me! I can't takes this anymore" Anne falls to the ground crying soon after leaving doctor Keith's chamber. Melvin crouches down to wipe her tears, "I know baby I get it. I've noticed you being quite and clueless all day. I couldn't come to you because I didn't have the words to console you. We never dealt with anything like this before. But just have faith okay? We are gonna get through this. Let's just go home, take a nap and then we will decide the rest at dinner." Anne nodded giving out a tired look, stood up and left with Melvin.

"What did the doctor say?" "Umm, let's go home Adel, we will talk about this later."
"Sure, get in."

The ride back to home was exhausting and full of stress. No one talked to each other, there was pin drop silence. The time they reached home, Adel called out Anne, "hey Anne, look I'm really bad at all these. I don't have words to console you but I just wanted you to know that everything happens for a good reason. So hang in there and I'll always be there for you."

Anne looked Adel in the eye with utmost affection. Right there, she felt home even if it was for a second but she sure did. " thanks Adel, that's.. very sweet of you. I'll go get some sleep. See ya later." "Yeah sure, bye!"

Anne got back to her room. She sat in front of the mirror and looked at herself and then she looked around. She felt many things, many thoughts were rushing through her mind. But she was too tired to figure out any of it. So she went for a quick shower. She then got dressed for bed, looked out the window and while thinking about almost everything, she fell asleep.

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