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Life is an uneasy turn of events. I hated holidays since childhood. Holidays were a treat for other children of my age then. But, me? It used to chase me, scare me and remind me how my entire life changed in that one particular holiday in my childhood. The people you see around, are nothing but a cocoon. You will never be able to understand what resides within that cocoon - A butterfly or a Killer moth? I just looked at my irony. For years I have been stalling any ideas for a vacation , and then there I was in Kolkata - trying to move forward. But events were happening that tended to pull me backwards. 

The nightmares started increasing. Previously it used to haunt in nights. But then, it appeared even in naps - rendering me in complete restlessness. Sophia wasn't there to treat me. And my medicines were on the verge of ending. I often overdosed on them with a hope that the nightmares, uneasiness all the time and the unknown fear of things, of people go away. But with passing days and incidents it became even more prominent. 

The day after the incident happened to me in the field, I decided to halt the construction untill I found out the reason behind these obstacles. For the next two - three days I went a complete maniac about the rival companies and clients. The more I thought about that black hooded girl, more restless and fuming I became. I stayed away from Shailza for these two days. I thought I was doing her a favour by keeping her away from this side of mine. But the more I kept away from her, the more attatched I became.  The girl was keeping things from me. She lied to me and she was unusual too. The more complicated she was, more was my curiosity to solve the puzzle- Both of the site and of the girl. But the deeper I dug, all i got was dirt. 

After two days of useless digging and staying away from Shailza Mathur, I wanted to meet her. I knew she was worried for me. And I was worried for her too. Not that I was falling for her. But there was something changing inside me. And that change was for her. I didn't allow my barriers to come down in my life. But with her it seemed that my barriers would fall, and I could let them fall just for her, happily. 

But of course, some things never change in life. And for me that was trouble. When I reached her Pg, I knocked on the door. No one opened. I knocked harder. Yet no response. I called Shailza. I thought both the sisters might be on a dayout. It was a Sunday, so there was no college but she could be busy in the museum or on her research. But the call was unreachable. Both Shailza and Avantika didn't respond. I kept knocking harder and harder.My  Worry for her was escalating. I stood there for  two hours expecting her to return. Called her 103 times, with 500 messages. And when they didn't return, I decided to go to the museum. To check her out myself. 

"What name did you say?" a man in the museum guide office asked.  He sat on his desk with a big, fat book of the workers and guides working in the Indian Museum.

"Shailza. Shailza Mathur. She works here as a tour guide. Part time job." I said shakily. 

"Mathur...mathur.." The man kept looking for her name, turning pages after pages going through cover. And I waited impatiently for him  respond. "Ah..yes. Mathur. We have only one Mathur here. She is also a tour guide as you said. Part time. But she is not Shailza. Have a look." The man extended his register to me, so that I can have a clearer look on the name. It was a Mathur. But it wasn't Shailza.

The name read: Avantika Mathur .

"No, that is her sister. I am talking about the elder one, Shailza Mathur. She is fair, girl tall, brown hair, and marble brown eyes.. She is also a proffessor in Precidency College..Doesn't ring a bell?" i started panicking.

"Dekhun moshai, onek hoyeche(See, its enough!). I am telling you, whoever works here, we know everything about them. And this girl Shailza doesn't exist then! Avantika Mathur works here and she has no sibling! She told me herself! Ekhon ashun to..Bine poyeshar circus dekhte eshechen!(Leave now, have you come to watch  a free circus?)

Every equation seemed to go wrong. She lied to me even about herself. I didn't know how to react. I immediately left the place. The sun was setting and dusk was settling in, just like the previous time.  I was angry on her. But I was worried more. My calls increased to 200 and messages to 750. I kept calling her and the only answer I got was "unreachable" 

I returned to the Pg, just to check whether She returned or not.  And she didn't. I paced up and down in front of her door, ringing bells untill an elderly lady walked in front of me. I noticed she lived in the ground floor of the same building. 

"Ki hoyeche?(What happened?) She asked,

"Sorry? I do not understand Bengali."

"Main puchta kya hui?" She asked again.

"Maaji, You probably must be the landlady." I waited till she nodded her head in a yes. " Do you know where Shailza, Shailza Mathur and her sister has gone? I have been trying her phones, sms everything. I can't reach her. If you know anything about her, where she might go, please tell me. I am her friend." 

"Shailza who?" She raised her eyebrows in confusion.

I didn't catch her first. But when she seemed genuine, I just repeated her name again haplessly and blankly, Though confusion was the one going on in my head.

"Beta, Listen. I am the landlady, who ever stays here gives me the rent. And there is no Shailza Mathur here. Yes, Avantika stays here. But no Shailza. She is a single child and has been staying here for more than 5 years!" 

"This is impossible.." I laughed in the tone of crying.."I talked to her, i met her here, a few days back. Both the sisters were there. I chatted with them. Shailza was also here. I am her friend. Please please trust me. If you are scared to give me her information..." 

"No no, I am not. But I can only give you the information if she exists..haina beta?"

My head was dizzy, temples started robbing. Infinite question crowding both my mind and vision. And I had absolutely no idea what was happening..I stood there, seeing the old lady walking into her room. And then, I decided the check again.


"Yes Mr Mehra.."

"Robi, I want you to contact Archaeological Department of Kolkata. Say it's from Mr Amaan Mehra, CEO of Mehra hotels. Just check whether any girl named Shailza Mathur works there for research or not. And call me after you have done it." 

"Ok sir." 

I kept checking my phone for any calls for the next half an hour. I was there in front of her house, I didn't leave yet. And then after half an hour, Robi called again.

"Yes Robi."I asked.

"Sir, i checked with the department. They said there was no employee named Shailza Mathur there. Yes, a girl named Avantika Mathur did some research but she left the job years ago. Right now no Mathurs work there.." 

My neck choked, again. And I started recalling Suranjan's words, "Some people saw you blabbering to yourself." I still didn't know if she was real or my imagination like the black figure. But all I knew that she seemed very real to me.  And even Avantika, if Avantika was the only child, then how could she converse with Shailza that day like I did? Everything was so jumbled up. Was Shailza even real?

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