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I was not sure what I was dealing with. The laws of the earth are intact. And I was dealing with something that is not a law. The paranormal elements are most likely not to be meddled with, and I was hexed due to this. But at the back of the mind I had this notion that I deliberately didn't rope into this. Second thoughts were inevitable and with every passing minute  my restlessness grew manifolds. The entire day was spent on edge, in my room - thinking about the consequences and the danger involved. A normal person may find it an exaggerated version of anxiety, but he will fail to empathise or even understand the dilemma one might find in such a situation. My visit of Kolkata was partially for my therapy and confirming a deal in one of my favourite places in the country. But in the past one week, There were two major accidents on the site, one man lost his arm and he too was my responsibility, the cops are suspicious and my legal liscence might get zapped. There was proffessional tension going on with my other client due to the stalled construction site. And apart from such hasles, I was fighting a spirit, well not fighting, But whatsoever, half of the people I met in the past one week were either ghost or ghost catcher and then I found out that I myself can feel spirits and they want to communicate with me with something I have no idea. - Even today when I think of the trip, I get uneasy. With loads of good memories and lessons, i got loads of anxiety and terrifying flashes of the grim atrocities of society.

It was the 11 th night of my trip, my last night. And I was standing on the same spot on the site where I last saw her. Along with me joined Shailza and Mr Das, well his machineries could also take a person. That night I saw the different sides of both of my companions. While Mr Das's glee was absent, he was dead serious - as if I was meeting an absolutely different person, Shailza too seemed different. That was the first time, I saw a trapped pain in her eyes. She wore a black salwar piece, her hair untied, unkempt. And her round, beady eyes reflected the pain in the thin layer of tears covering it.She looked thinner and fragile than the normal days. Wasn't she eating enough? Was she sick? What has happened to her? She started concerning me.  I tried to ask her several times the reason for her lost self. But everytime I tried to dig deeper into her heart, the only answer I got was silence. She never answered the question..I kept looking at her sadly.Her absent face pricked my heart. I wanted to hug her and say 'It's Okay.', i wanted to kiss her better. But the thoughts were miles apart from the reality..

"LooK! Look at this!" Mr Das whispered loudly in a hexed, excited yet nervous voice. He was pointing at the EMF detector. It normally shows stable. But that time the magnetic needle started shaking heavily..unstable magnetic field. Some external force was near. The night had no moonlight, the surrounding was enveloped in the blanket of darkness and the surrounding trees were its guards. The atmoshphere grew foggy, not definite fog but something bounded our sight. 

"Looks like many forces are around us.." Shailza spoke..for the first time in the night. The night vision cameras were switched on, the green screen showed nothing much but only the greeny three beings including me, with hazled flashy eyes. We tried to spot some other figures through the cameras but no luck in there. The temperature gun showed us the decrease of 5 degrees. And the suffocation started again.. 

"The spirits, if you are here please communicate with us! We are here to help!" Mr Das shouted. His voice echoed in the massive barren land. For some time , the crickets answered us but then it was replaced with a void.. And then we saw something unexpected..In the machines we saw a cold spot approaching us. The needle of the EMF detector swung heavily. Untill we ourselves could feel a presence..

It was towards the north, right in front of us. We could sense a figure..Initially I thought it must be the charred woman. But what me and Shailza was not her..Her feet floated in the air..Tears in her eyes, hands extended calling us helplessly. Her fady figure was as if covered with blood and burning..

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