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"Mr Amaan!" Suranjan Das called me. It was almost noon, sleep was an enemy, so were the media and cops. Though being influential has its perks, the people do not hex you much. The entire night, dawn was spent in crowd of ghosts, and then comes the afternoon - lost in the crowd of news hungry people. Among all these, Shailza was missing, and I had to get her. She made me ecstatic, and I liked her a lot. While people were busy examining the metal underground "HISTORICAL" chamber, I quietly sneaked out of the crowd and got into my car. As I was about to start the engine, the paranormal expert beckoned me.I saw him approaching my vehicle in a hurried  but composed gait. He stood by the window and asked me where I was heading to.

"I am going to find Shailza. I know where she is." I replied.

"Sir, please don't go. Its time for her. Dont stop her." He said to my surprise.

"What? What are you saying? Where is she going?" 

"Mr Mehra, trust me. I don't hate her. There are reasons I am stopping you. It's already difficult for her, dont make it harder." He insisted.

Though, Mr Das amused me, I didn't pay much heed to any of his talks and left the place. The sun was high in the sky and after experiencing the cold spots throughout the shivery night, it was getting real warm for me. Bangalore had a much pleasant weather than Kolkata. But that's not the point..The point was, I knew exactly where a person could find soothing in this weather..The river Ganges welcomes all the tired and weary ones and caress them with her soothing breeze, she takes away all the pain and fills the heart with subtle joy. 

There she was. Her unkempt hair dancing in the rythm of the wind and she stared at the distant horizon across the river. It was the same spot where we lightened ou heart the other day. I quietly sat beside her. She glanced at me smiling and then looked back at the distance.

"Thank you Amaan. This could not have been done without you." She said in her bubbly yet deep voice.

"Sushhh...Don't thank me. Thank yourself Shailza. You gave them justice! Avantika must be so proud of you..She is in a better place now." 

"I know. She too was raped by one of the royal guards before getting burnt. Baba didn't know. But I do. It's not only her justice, but also mine. Because along with her that day, I too died. But you Amaan, you made me alive again. So thank you.." She said.

"Shailza, I want to talk to you. Listen, this week, my life changed. And it changed for better. Shailza you are the reason for that change! I have never felt better with anyone except you. I like you so much. You can come with me to Bangalore, start a new life there..You will be safe and happy with me..Please Shailza.." I looked at her expectantly wishing her answer to be an excited and happy Yes..

"Amaan, I like you too! I like you so very much! But you don't know who I am..What you are saying is not possible.."

"Shailza, your past life was not your choice, neither mine. I know you! It is possible, if you want to." I urged my heart still pounding with expectation.

"No Amaan. Nature won't allow. And I want to stay..But I really can't. I have to go..You are a great person Amaan. Live your life to the fullest, you got a second chance. Everybody doesn't get. You will never see me again. But I will always be with you, Goodbye Amaan. Do me a favour Amaan, please don't waste any time on me." Shailza got up and walked away, leaving me in a dilemma and a pond of sorrow..I never really came to know what her words actually meant..

I was a bit adamant though..Later that day, I went to her Pg. She was not there. But I met her landlady.. 

"Ma'am do you know where Sh...Avantika Mathur is?"  I remembered she used the name Avantika..But the landlady had no clue. Later while conversing, she showed me a picture of hers and the girl she claimed to be Avantika and I claimed to be Shailza. The girl in the picture was a completely different person. With the same picture I toured the Museum and the Precidency College. The girl named Avantika was the same girl as in the picture but she was not Shailza. I tried to call her, but to my shock her number didn't exist in my phone, it somehow got deleted..And Shailza never allowed me to take any of her pictures so I never got one in my phone. Her every memory, every text got deleted..I wanted to find her, but the way every way seemed blocked, I had no other way. Her last words echoed in my ears, "Dont waste any time on me." Maybe she disappeared deliberately. Or maybe she wasn't who she appeared to be. 

In the evening when Mr Das accompanied me to the airport for the flight, I asked him about Shailza. 

"Let it be Sir. I said na, Royal cities have Royal mysteries hidden. Wherever Shailza is, She is happy and she is proud of you."  He said.

"So you know where she is?" I asked him for the last time.

"I know where she can be. But unfortunately, no one can reach the place. Let her go sir..The construction will start from tomorrow..Everything will be fine." Mr Das smiled. 

And, my trip to Kolkata ended. That evening I was on the streets of Bangalore feeling the salty breeze on my nose and reminiscing about the week that changed my life. I never really got to know Shailza, who she was, or rather what she was. But still I give her all the credits for making my life better. For pulling me out of the dirt of past and making me land on a safe and secure future. Her memories never hurt me, but leaves a smile on my face..Good memories.

Did I tell anyone about her? No. She was always mine. She was my little secret and I would never like to share her with anyone else. She was my Shailza. 

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