Asking for Directions (Prompt: Direction)

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Before you start, please refer to the chapter 'Anatomy of the Human Brain' if you already haven't to gain some valuable insights on what the human brain is like.


If you dream of asking for directions, you firmly believe you are a know-it-all and you are always right. You act like you are absolutely sure of everything under the sun and don't take anyone's views or opinions seriously. You are so much in awe of yourself that you keep putting people off and relish the experience secretively.


Not only does this put you at risk of getting the proverbial black-eye or extended periods of loneliness, but also leads to the curiosity node of the brain rot and rust. This is why when you are dreaming, the levelling node wakes up with a jolt, makes you go somewhere, triggers the curiosity-node and simulates the need for you to ask for directions. It subconsciously exposes you to yourself and reminds you of the fact that you are dumber than you think, thereby giving you a much needed lesson on humility. Apart from bringing you to your knees, it also keeps the curiosity node adequately exercised. That way, the curiosity node can kick in, should the need to ask for directions arise in real life.

By corollary, if you often find yourself asking for directions in real life, it means something else and something else kicks in and makes you say, jab someone while asleep. But that's for another day and another interpretation.

The other night for instance, Ram dreamed of asking for directions to the grocery store which is barely a hundred meters from home. And, he did that after checking if the store is open, from the terrace of our apartment. Yes. Our apartment. After getting directions, he went round and round in circles till he woke up, having failed in his attempt to reach the grocery store all night. I remember him scratching his head and staring blankly at the wall in front of him, and then looking around for the shopping basket. Ha ha ha!

What does that tell you, apart from the fact that he is an idiot?

The terrace signifies arrogance - being high above everything else and all that. His checking, all by himself, whether the store is open shows how he believes he is a know-it-all and doesn't respect the views of others. He simply could've asked others if the store was open, couldn't he?

Having thus set him up on the familiar high-pedestal, the levelling node walloped him, made him tumble and bite the dust by making him beg for directions. As Ram pitched and rolled like a ship caught in an unprecedented deep sea storm, I watched in glee.

Sometimes it is worth staying up all night, don't you think? What's your take on dreaming of asking for directions?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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