3 - Protection

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Ukraine's POV

I could feel myself slowly waking up... I groaned as I held my head, it still aching. "Huh..? What happened?" I whispered. 

I sat up, examining around the room I found myself in. The room had light grey walls, a few tables with various different medical tools. I was sitting on a... white bed? It wasn't particularly that white anymore. You could see red stains on the sheets and pillows.

 I didn't completely recognize where I was at first. I gradually stood up, noticing that I was just wearing my plain, white socks. "Where are my shoes..?" I mumbled to myself as I investigated the room for my shoes.

I eventually found my shoes, slipping them onto my feet. I trotted up to the door, grabbing the door knob and opening the door.

 When I opened it, I was immediately introduced with a tall figure. I screamed at the top of my lungs, jumping back towards the bed, startled. 

I stared up at the person's face, finding that they're flag was red with a horizontal white stripe. I sighed with relief, wiping my forehead with my sleeve. "Oh thank god! It's only you, Doctor Austria! You scared the living crap out of me!" I expressed.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for startling you. I'm glad you're finally awake. You were found unconscious by Canada. He brought you here and requested me to tell you that he said hi." Doctor Austria explained.

"O-oh alright!" I replied. So, the person was Canada after all. "What a great first impression." I thought to my self, sarcastically. 

"Do you feel light-headed or dizzy at all?" He questioned.

"No. Well... maybe a little but I can live with it." I admitted.

"Are you well enough to get back to class?" He asked.


"Alright. I've already informed your teacher about your injury. Now, off outside. I'm pretty sure it's lunch time now."

"Alright! Bye Doctor Austria!" I waved. He waved back as I exited the nurse's office. When I walked out, I instantly saw Russia bullying Japan. "Aw shit. Here we go again." I thought to myself as I walked over to them. "Leave her alone, Russia. She doesn't need your bullshit." I asserted, standing between Russia and Japan, glaring at Russia. 

"And what are you going to do about it?" Russia declared, raising his voice. 

"Just leave her alone." I demanded.

"Ooooh! I'm soooo scared!" Russia mocked. I got pissed off. This was IT! I'm so sick of him hurting people. I need to take a stand! I gave Russia a small shove.

"Japan! Run!" I told Japan. "I'll be fine. I just have to deal with this asshole. Just go! I'll meet up with you later!" I saw Japan dash off into the crowd. I kept glaring at Russia, seeing that he was fuming. 

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I could hear the students chant as they gathered around us.

Russia clenched his fist and swung at me. I tried to dodge it, failing. Russia punched me in the gut. I retaliated by punching him in the face. I put my arms up in front of my face, bracing for impact. Russia launched at me, pinning me against the wall.

"You really thought you would win against me?" Russia mentioned. Russia swung his leg at me, kicking me in the shins. I stayed put, ignoring the pain from the kick. I started to charg at Russia, elbowing him in the ribs. He shoved me away, slamming me back on the wall and punching me in the ribs. I screeched in pain as I heard loud footsteps coming our way.

"¿¡Que esta pasando aqui!?" (What is going on here!?) I heard a masculine voice. Oh boy... we've disturbed Mr. Spain. Mr. Spain didn't appreciate Russia nor I very much. He was very strict towards Russia and I. "¡Ambos saben que la violencia no se tolera en esta escuela! ¡Detención para los dos después de la escuela hoy y mañana!" (You both know violence isn't tolerated in this school! Detention for both of you after school today and tomorrow!) He instructed.

"B-but sir- I was just defending myse—" I protested. Mr. Spain cut me off. 

"No me respondas de nuevo o me aseguraré de que obtengas otra detención o suspensión." (Don't talk back to me again or else I'll make sure you'll get another detention or a suspension.) Mr. Spain warned me.

"S-sorry..." I whispered. 

"No hagas esto de nuevo. ¿Entendido?" (Don't do this again. Understood?) Mr. Spain asked. I nodded my head. "¿¡Entendido!?" (Understood!?) Mr. Spain repeated, raising his voice slightly.

"Understood..." Russia and I said in sync. 

"Excelente." (Excellent.) Mr. Spain responded as he started to walk away from us. Russia gave me a death glare as I started nervously sweated. 

"God... he's going to destroy me when we get home..."  I thought to myself. I began to sneak away as students snickered and giggled at me. I shuffled my way through the crowed, slightly limping. I peered around, trying to find Japan. I spotted her sitting alone on a bench. I made my way over to her, sitting next to her. "Are you okay, Japan?" I asked Japan, concerned. 

"Y-yeah I'm fine! You really didn't need to do that!" Japan said to me, I could tell that she was thankful.

"No, it's fine. He's been such an asshole to you lately that I had to do something." I insisted. Japan gave me a small smile. I tried to smile back. 

"It's all my fault..." She whispered. 

"N-no it's not! It's all his fault for bullying you in the first place." I explained.

"Thanks Ukraine..." She murmured. "But if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't of gotten those detentions."

"It was entirely my fault on that part. I should've known better than to start a fight." I tried to convince her. I pat her on the back. "Anyways, what class do you have next, Japan?" I asked.

"O-oh! I have Spanish." Japan answered. 

"Well, I'll see you later. I don't want to be late. And neither do you, right?" I mentioned. She nodded in agreement as we both stood up and made our way to our separate classes. 

I had maths next. I limped my way to the classroom, getting ready for another boring class. "Why can't class be interesting?" I thought to myself for the 100th time already. 

Suddenly, Canada popped into my mind. "Ugh... the first day I get to see him in months, I embarrass myself..." I started stressing. "Would he even want to talk to me after the two stunts I just pulled!?" I could feel my anxiety kicking in. I tried to push those thoughts away but they stayed with me like an annoying fly. "Ughhh-! What will I ever do? What does he think of me-? Will he think I'm this mischievous trouble maker and never want to be my friend ever again!?" 

I eventually got to the classroom and sat down in the very back, hoping nobody would bother me. But to my surprise, I could see someone coming my way to sit next to me. I took a closer look at their face and saw....

To Be Continued...

Shoutout to my friend, Coral! She has a JapAus story she's making called Red Roses! I kind of mixed her story with mine for this chapter! Go check her out! 



Word Count: 1218

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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