Newt X Reader

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A/N here we goooooo :3


You stamped your foot in annoyance. You and your best friend Newt had been arguing outside the Deadheads. You wanted to become a Runner. Minho had said you were amazing at it, and that he hoped you picked the job because there would be space for you. You was really exited and decided to rush over and tell Newt the great news. He didn't think it all that great at all.

"Newt, come on! Minho says I'm good at it! So why can't I be a Runner?!" You yell at him. He sighs and crosses his arms. "No Y/N, it's too dangerous. You wouldn't survive out there." This made you angry. "Newt, I'm no shucking weakling! I could survive easily out there!" He looks up. There was anger in his eyes. "No, Y/N! And that's final! Now stop being a bloody idiot and find a job your good at! Not that you've found anything yet, perhaps you're useless." Ouch. That stung.

You look at him. Hurt flashes across your face. Newt looks like he regrets what he said. "Y/N, I..." He doesn't get to finish his sentence, you shoving him backwards. "You don't own me." You say, trying to hide your sadness behind anger. Before he can answer, you take off into the Deadheads. You keep on running, further that you've ever been before. You reach an area that the sun barley shows through. You stumble through the darkness and climb up one of the tallest trees.

When you reach the top you sit down and, for the first time since you arrived in the Glade, cry. Newt, the one person who was always beside you, who always supported your decision, had called you an idiot and useless. You had tried to help in the Glade as best as you could. Did anyone else think of you this way?

As all these negative thoughts clog your brain, you hear footsteps coming from near you. You turn around and try to smother your sobs. You can't see who it us because of the darkness, but you can make out the outline of a figure standing at the base of the tree.

"Y/N? A voice whispers. It sounds hoarse. "Newt?" You croak out, another sob finishing off the word. He climbs up as best he can because of his limp. Once he reaches your branch, he pulls you towards him in a soft hug. You rest your head on his shoulder and he rubs your back.

"I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean a word I said. I was just so worried at what would happen to you. I'm so stupid. I'm sorry." He said quietly. You pull away slightly so you can see his face and ask him the question that you have always wondered. "Why do you care so much?" He puts a hand on your cheek and takes a deep breath. "Because, Y/N, I..." He trailed off. You take his hand, encouraging him to go on. "I-I think I love you."

You're silent for a moment, before suddenly pulling his face towards yours and smashing your lips together, him making a surprised sound in the back of his throat. Once you pull away, you laugh at the flustered mess he is.

"I love you too, Newt."


A/N There we go my gladers! Any suggestions? Comment or private message me them. I'm on for anything *waggles eyebrows*
Thanks for reading ^-^
- LivingLovelyLies

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