Got Selected

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Third person's pov
A girl is seen painting something with a wide smile on her face. She has long beautiful black hair.

Girl: Finally the painting turned out the way I have imagined it to be. I'm so happy today it was so difficult to paint this but it turned out so

She keeps looking at the painting with lot of happiness and admiration. She keeps the painting aside and starts to get ready

After sometime-
The girl is seen standing in front of an art exhibition hall and she is very excited to go inside

Girl- This is something I have been dreaming from a long time. I really hope that I get selected and if I get selected then Ill be on cloud nine
because then my dream will get fulfilled. I never expected I'll get an opportunity like this to fulfill
my dream but now since I have got this opportunity to show my talent and get closer to achieve my dream I don't want to waste it.

She goes inside the hall and has a talk with the manager of the exhibition regarding her painting. After having a talk with her manager she went and kept her painting in the place
assigned for her

Girl(mind voice) so I'm one step closer to my dream if my painting gets selected in the exhibition then I can become an artist and do the job which I love

Later the organizers and guests starts looking at all the paintings and finally come to the painting
of the girl

Girl: Namaste sir my name is Nandini and this is my painting. As you can see that this is a painting of a boy and girl , even though their face is not
seen you can see that they both love each other

They keep looking at the painting for sometime and leave from there. On the other side Nandini was never nervous as she badly wanted her
painting to get selected

Organizer: so I'm here to announce something very important and that is the chief guest has seen all your paintings and he is pretty impressed by all of them and regarding the
results, within a week you will receive a call from them if you have been selected

Nandini seemed a bit disappointed because she thought that they will announce the results now itself and now she has to wait a week and if she
doesn't get selected her parents will start taunting her as they don't like her painting. She understood her parents point of view but she
wasn't able to convince them for her painting career

Nandini reaches home and her mom starts questioning her
Nandini's mom: what happened over there? Did you get selected?
Nandini:I don't know maa
Mom: haven't they announced the results?
Nandini: no maa they informed us that if within a week we don't receive a call from them then it means we haven't been selected
Mom: oh so now we have a week to wait and listen if you get selected or not you are still doing it as a part time job only
Nandini: but why maa?
Mom: because painting is not a fixed profession you might get offers or not and job is something which is done to have your life secured so I want
you to paint only as a part time that's it

Nandini: but I always wanted to be only a painter and this opportunity is helping me to achieve my dream
Mom: I'm not stopping you I'm telling you to do it for comparatively less time

Nandini couldn't take this argument anymore she left from there stomping her feet she decided to explain to her mom clamly after the results are declared because even if she explains to her mom she won't understand but after she gets selected she can explain her in a better way telling how much she loves doing this

After few days
Nandini received a call from an unknown number
Nandini- hello
Person-hello is this Nandini?
Nandini- yes, may I know who is this?
Person- we have called you to inform that your painting from the art exhibition has been selected and we want to congratulate you
Nandini- thank you so much
Person- your welcome can you come at xyz place to discuss all the details
Nandini- sure

Nandini was feeling on top of the world she was very happy and it was clearly seen on her face, with the same excitement she went to inform
her mom

Nandini: maa I got selected
Mom: in what?
Nandini: Remember I participated in the art exhibition maa I got selected in that and now my dream of becoming a painter will be fulfilled
Mom: Nandini don't you remember what I told you
Nandini: but maa I want to become a painter
Mom: I'm not completely restricting you I just want you to have a job which gives you a security that every month you will be financially stable
Nandini: and why do you think that I won't be financially stable by becoming a painter
Mom: since it is not a secured job today you might have offer for painting and Tom you might not and you are not trying to understand
my point of view I just want your future to be safe and secure
Nandini: but the company selected me and they will pay me well
Mom: I don't know you are attending the interviews and taking a normal regular job and then continue painting as a part time job

Nandini got irritated and left from there she thought that if she won't get selected in any of the interviews then her mom will not have any choice than accepting her passion of becoming a painter

On the other side
A businessman is seen admiring something with a smile on his face and it is a painting of two people, he kept looking at the painting as if there
was some magic which keeps attracting him towards it

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