I need some time

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Both in unison:- You?
Their respective parents were looking at each other since they are not able to understand what is happening here, there was complete silence in the hall and Manik's dad decide to break the silence

Manik's dad (clearing his throat): Manik do you both know each other?

Manik (facing his dad): yes dad actually she works in my company and that is how we know each other

His parents nod their head as they understand

Nandini's mom (placing her hand on nandini shoulder): beta you never told me about him or that you know him

Nandini (looking at her mom): actually we never discuss about office matters that is why I did not say

Nandini's mom (smiles): it's okay now that is not an issue

Both Manik and nandini were looking at each other.

Manik was so happy he was trying to control his smile since he always wanted nandini as his life partner, he always liked her and now that his parents also liked them he is genuinely very happy but on the other side nandini was fidgeting her
fingers and completely nervous, their parents thought that it was completely normal for the girl to feel nervous and ignored it but Manik was being bothered with it

Since they already know each other their parents assumed that there was no need to ask anything else about each other so they directly went to the point

Manik's dad (smiling): Manik you both know each other so now tell me your decision regarding this marriage proposal

Manik (happily smiling): yes dad I have no objection in accepting this marriage proposal

Nandini's mom (placing a hand on nandini shoulder): beta what about you?

She was confused what was she supposed to tell now but she closed her eyes took a deep breath and decided to tell what was in her mind no matter what they would think because this is her life and she has to spend the rest of her life with him so she decided not to compromise in this

Nandini (nervous): maa, uncle and aunty I guess I need some time, can l think about this marriage proposal and inform you please

She kept looking at their eyes to know what they were thinking about her decision since Manik has already told yes but it was she who was asking time and for sometime no one actually responded and this scared nandini more

Nandini (scared): why isn't anyone responding did I tell something wrong?

Nandini's Mom (awkward smile): nandini are you  sure about what you just told?

Nandini (thinking): that I want some time?

Nandini's Mom (looking at her): yes beta

Nandini (taking a deep breath): yes mom l am very sure l just asked for some time

Manik's mom and dad look at each other and think about something

Manik's Mom (smiling): nandini l know this is the most important phase for a girl and you no need to take this decision in a hurry as you both already know each other so l hope whatever is bothering you can be discussed among and solved, we will be waiting for your decision

Nandini (feels a bit relieved): thank you so much aunty for understanding my situation

Manik's Dad : so we will leave right now and wait for your decision don't feel pressurised we will respect whatever decision you take

Nandini (smiling): thank you uncle and I am sorry if i have hurted you

Manik's dad (placing his palm on her head): not at all everyone has a right to think and take their decision

Nandini feels a lot relieved she thought that they would create a scene and it would create a huge mess but they were so understanding about the situation but maybe not everyone were happy regarding nandini decision since her mom navya and Manik were still in a shock, her mom's anger Was rising

As soon as they left nandini's mom went near her to confront her

Nandini's Mom (angry): what have you done nandini?

Nandini (sighing): maa l did not reject them I just asked for some time

Nandini's mom (irritated): are you not able to understand what I am asking or are you pretending that you can't understand?

Nandini (controlling her irritation): maa l  really hope you understand why I took this decision

Nandini's Mom (getting more angry): what did you say? I wanted to give you the best life

Nandini: Money is important I know that but it is not the only thing in life

Nandini's Mom: You will never understand my love for you (looking at navya) I hope at least you can make her understand how nice and best marriage proposal this is for her life

Nandini ran to her room she couldn't control her tears anymore, from her childhood she was always arguing with her Mom, both of their mindset or thought process never matched

She mostly opposed to the things which her mom told like her mom believed that girls should be fair or else she will not get a good guy in her life, this thought nandini never liked she believed that outer beauty maybe important but what's it's use if the person is not beautiful from within

She entered her room and took her dad's photo frame and tightly hugged It, she always missed her dad as he was the only one who could actually understand what's going on in her mind and also the only one who can make her understand properly if she is doing something wrong

In the meantime navya was watching all this from outside the room it was breaking her heart to see her best friend in this condition, at this situation the only thing which she could do was talk with her
best friend and console her she prayed to God to keep her best friend always happy and give her all the strength to face this cruel world


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