2 weeks leap

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Nandini kept looking at Manik and assured him that she will be safe and will inform him if she faces any problem. After spending some more time with Nandini he head back to his home

After reaching his home he greeted his parents and called cabir immediately to inform about alya

Cabir:- wow how did you remember me today?

Manik:- cabir this is very serious (tells him everything about alya)

Cabir:- shit so our doubt was true, nandini should be really careful now because she can do anything now

Manik:- I will not let her harm Nandini

Both of them had determination of not letting another one being hurt because of one random person

Leap of 2 weeks

Today was the day of Nandini's painting exhibition, she was very excited as this was the first time that so many paintings are shown to people and if they like then they will buy it infact some companies even keep entry tickets so that they can see the paintings

In this 2 weeks Manik, cabir and navya all of them took care of nandini. Manik gave her work from home so that she can peacefully concentrate on painting and also he will have some time to find out who is informing alya

At the exhibition hall

Nandini's point of view

I can see mom is so excited for me and i don't want to ask for anything more. Even manik's parents are coming though i am nervous but i am still very happy seeing them supporting my dream it is so unreal it almost feels like a dream

We reach the company and i can spot manik's family, navya and cabir looking at me and smiling

Manik came near us and touched my mom's feet for blessing and she blessed with a huge smile on her face

Nyo:- Nandini congrats beta

Me:- Thank you so much aunty i am so happy to see you all supporting me in my dream

Raj:- obviously we will support you beta there are very few people who are able to achieve their dreams and i am so happy that you are able to do that. Stay happy always beta

I smile at them, i can see their genuine affection and excuse myself as it was time to start the exhibition and i forgot to introduce navya to them

Me:- Aunty uncle Manik and cabir this my best friend Navya and navya you know all of them right

All of them:- Hello navya

Navya greets them back and have a small talk, cabir sees navya being silent he thought maybe because of being around elders she feels bored so he decided to accompany her and they both started talking and i went to grab water to calm my nervousness down

Third person point of view

As nandini went to get water someone was following behind her and it was none other than alya, though nandini did not go to office since it was manik's company only so someone informed her about this

Alya:- looks like you are a shameless creature tch tch i wonder why would someone having no self respect do all this maybe for showoff

Nandini turned around to see who was the found and when she saw alya she sighed thinking not now

Nandini:- I am not going to ask you how you know i am here i must say your stalking skills are pretty amazing and creepy

Alya:- just shut up i am not here to listen your irritating voice i can see that you are becoming close to manik's family so that you can seduce him, i must say you are pretty talented in seducing a person i mean you know he respects his family a lot so you decided to use his weakness, i mean like you easily trap guys what do you want money? Or the experience of being on bed with him?

This was the last nail in the coffin for nandini she raised her hand and slapped alya hard that nandini fingerprints can be clearly seen on alya's face, the whole auditorium was silent and were shocked seeing what just happened

Nandini:- just shut up and listen to me get this straight into your head, you are just being character less and i am disgusted that you are even a human being just get lost from here

Before Nandini could continue manik came there and stopped

Manik:- Nandini you no need to stoop to the level of hers which is just garbage and you alya i know what you did with riya and listen to me i will not leave you if you even come near nandini, touch her and i will show you what i can do

Alya:- wow so you have completely manipulated manik he is no more the person i know, just amazing you are calling me character less when you are itself that you both listen to me manik just get rid of her as soon as possible because she will just ruin you completely and nandini you will regret for slapping me and not leaving manik just wait and watch

With this alya left from there stomping her feet and Manan sighed thinking about what else new drama is this girl going to do.

Manik's parents:- beta i really appreciate what you have done. You have shown her place she completely deserves it

Nandini just smiles and navya patted her shoulders assuring her that everything will be fine and no need to worry 

Manik:- Guys everyone listen i am going to call alya tomorrow to office

Everyone were shocked

Cabir:- are you mad manik? What the hell are you talking? You just now saw that saw what nonsense she was talking

Manik:- Cabir i saw it with my own eyes and heard with my ears also i have a plan and i want to follow it trust me if this will work out then alya will pay for all her deeds

Guys thanks a lot for your love and support

This happened today morning and i am so happy thanks a lot guys especially vanshikasinhaa for always commenting and motivating me thank you❤

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