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As per Manik's plan he called alya she was very excited that she received a call from him finally

Alya (excited) :- oh my god manik i am so happy that you have called me

Manik (cold tone) :- i had to call you because i want to talk with you

Alya (happy):- this is like my dream come true that you want to talk with me

Manik (palming his face):- you like me a lot right (she replies yes) you will do anything for me right (again replies yes) so are you free today?

Alya (flirting):- I am always free for you

Manik (controlling his irritation):- okay then meet me tomorrow in my office at 11 am

He cuts the call and hopes that everything should go as per his plan. On the other side even cabir and nandini were praying that everything should well so that a person like alya can be behind the bars

Next day

Alya was very excited to meet manik. She thought that he has finally understood her love for him and left nandini, she was very happy she even more the most prettiest dress in her wardrobe which was barely covering her

Alya reached his office and told the receptionist that she has come to meet manik, the receptionist smiles and tells her that he is waiting for her only

Alya checked her makeup once applied a bit more lipstick and took a deep breath before entering his cabinet

But when she opened the door and entered inside she was shocked

Alya (irritated):- Baby what is she doing here?

Nandini (sarcastic):- Baby? Where is it? I don't see any baby, all i can see is 3 adults in this cabin which includes you and yes if you want to go see an eye specialist then i can recommend you some

Alya (annoyed):- just shut up who the hell even wants to speak with you here , my Manik baby called me here so you can get lost

Nandini (acting shocked):- oh my god manik you are a baby? I never knew this and alya shit you don't even look like a mother of a 20+ year old child, please tell me your fitness secret

Alya (frustated):- Manik just tell her to get lost and (facing nandini) i thought you have some shame in you left and will not manik after knowing he does not want to stay with you anymore

Nandini (smirks):- First not sorry to burst your bubble but manik never told that he does not want to be with me and secondly i don't have any shame because i am not like you

Alya was going to reply but manik was getting irritated seeing their bickering because he had to talk with alya to get the truth out

Manik (screamed):- Can you both just stay quiet for some time (facing alya) nandini is here because i called her to meet me (nandini smirks)

Alya (fake accent):- Manik baby tell me whatever you want (eyeing nandini) even if someone is threatening you to stay in their life, i will take care

Nandini (smirks): I mean like look at the irony the person who spoils others lives is talking about saving life

Alya:- What the hell do you mean by i spoiled lives and who are you even, what do you know about me just shut up and mind your own business

This time before nandini could speak further manik started speaking

Manik:- Maybe she does not know but i certainly know who's life have you spoiled

Alya (shocked):- oh my god manik do you think of me like that (eyeing nandini) i am sure she would have told you all this to keep me away from you

Nandini (murmers):- To take away something from you it should first be yours brainless

Manik (ignoring her comment):- I hope you remember Riya (alya expression changes)  I have all the proof against you that you have blackmailed her and yes the reason why i called you here is also for the same that you will accept your mistake and move on from me

Alya (attitude):- what do you think Manik that you will say whatever you want and i will accept everything? Like really you have underestimated me a lot and this bitch right here is using you remember that

Manik:- first of all stop commenting about her this is only about you me and riya so stick to the point

Alya:- okay if you say so that i have done nasty things to riya then what is the proof that i have done it (raising her eyebrow)

Manik:- Hahaha alya you thought i am stupid or what that i will speak without evidence

Alya (confused):- what do you mean?

Manik (smirking):- I have a call recording where you threatened riya and yes remember karan the one whom you paid money to publicly humiliate riya, I gave his face a treat with my hands and he told us everything

Alya (laughed):- Do you want me to believe this nonsense? And even if you have a call recording i am sure it is fake, lets say it is real i will manipulate it as fake and about karan i can pay him again to say against you what will you do then?

Manik ( happy his plan is working):- so you accept that you have mentally tortured her?

Alya (checks his cabin):- i want to listen to the recording

Manik takes his phone out and starts playing a voice recording, nandini silemtly prays that everything should go well

Alya (smiling):- Oh so this is a trap? Because this is not riya's voice, oh so you had the audacity to have a fake voice call recording and wanted me to tell everything truth, wow what a masterplan but let me tell you that i am not a stupid to get trapped

Nandini (smirking):- whether it is fake or not riya will tell by herself and then we can decide

Manika nd alya were shocked

Alya:- How will she tell when she is not here?

Nandini:- Who told you that Riya is not here?


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