A Fight and A Kiss

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I kept my cool but is this the same Kira that Y/N was talking about earlier cause if it was she was in so much danger and it wasn't even my fault, I took in a deep breath acting like I didn't know anything about her or care, I got out of the base quickly after the idiots stopped talking and raced to Y/N's house, I was just there but I had to tell her.

                         Y/N's POV

Dabi basically bursted through the door it made you almost fall off the couch.

You rubbed your eye, "What is it? I just saw you." You mumbled as Dabi shut the door behind himself.

"You never gonna believe me." He said his eyes basically going wild like he was bursting to tell you something.

"Um okay spit it out." You were nervous about what he was gonna say.

"You can't talk to Kira anymore."

You were shocked by the statement, "What!? What are you talking about?"

"You need to stay away from her." Dabi seemed hesitant like he wanted to say something else.

"How do u know and why are u all of sudden telling me to stay away, I finally have a friend and your jealous, I barely know you!" You said starting to get some attitude.

Dabi was all most startled by your outburst but kept a cool face, "So your not gonna believe me and trust a girl more that you just meet!" Dabi's voice started to raise his voice anger flashing in his eyes.

"Stop being a fucking asshole I just want to have a friend!"

"I thought I was your fucking friend," Dabi growled, "Maybe something more fine don't believe me but when you end up at the base I work at that's your own issue." Dabi turned around and left your house slamming the door behind himself, you were shocked and felt tears prick at your eyes, you didn't mean to make him mad.

You slide back down onto the couch feeling slightly upset and wondering what Dabi meant by 'when u end up at the base I work at' then it hit you, Dabi was trying to warn you cause she is a villain and working where he works, you ran out of the house tears flooding your eyes you wanted to say sorry for yelling, you loved him....and didn't want him to be mad at him. Dabi wasn't that far down the sidewalk and had his hands in his pockets, you ran up and clung onto the back of his jacket tears streaming down your face while pressing your face into his jacket that smelled like smoke from a fire.

Dabi froze as u stayed like that for a few seconds, "I'm sorry for yelling I'll stop talking to her I promise I don't want u to be mad at me." You sniffled while wrapping your arms around Dabi's waist.

Dabi grabbed your hand and spun you into an alleyway pressing his hand against the brick wall trapping u, you tears stopped as you noticed his smirk you reached your hand up and rested it on the side of his neck your faces inches closer before your lips met softly, you stayed like that for a few seconds before your lips pulled away from each other and Dabi snickered, your face slowly turned bright red before he disappeared into the dark alley way, you knew he would show up again at your house so you quickly walked home.

You blushed more just thinking about the kiss as you made it inside with a deep breath, you looked around your small house for a second before all of a sudden feeling a little lonely, you made one of your grandmas favorite dishes and ate it at the table since she always hated it when you ate on the couch. If it wasn't already apparent you and Dabi had feelings for each other but both of you hadn't made a true conference, you rubbed your thumb over your bottom lip after you finished washing your dish, you sighed softly and closed your eyes before reopening them and getting your favorite beverage out of the fridge and sitting on the couch, it was really dark so you decided after you finished your drink you would go to bed, you finished your drink and showered before getting into bed and hugging a pillow.

You missed Dabi laying next to you and feeling his warmth it helped you sleep and feeling so much comfort, it made you smile. you smiled softly while hugging your pillow and falling asleep to thoughts of Dabi which wasn't surprising.

                         Dabi's POV

'That damn girl is gonna be the death of me' I thought while talking of my jacket, I'm at my apartment obviously, I took off my white t shirt and just sat on my bed in my jeans thinking to myself for a little before I laid back on my bed there was no doubt that I was not in love with her, I loved her so much and it was getting harder to contain my feelings every single day, I rested my hand on my stomach while staring at the ceiling with a soft sigh   Y/N is mine and no one can take her from me if anyone tries they'll be burnt to a crisp by me. She is mine and she knows that.

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