Chapter 5

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Rainbow Dash's POV:

I stood with Trixie by my locker. "Now, here's the plan. I'll hang around that hallway where Applejack usually comes out of, and then when I see her, I'll come running to you. know the rest." I still wasn't comfortable doing this, but I was desperate. Not in a bad way, but...

"Yes, yes, I know," Trixie was looking into those compact mirrors, smoothing down her hair. I rolled my eyes, but used my superspeed to get into position.

It looked and was uncomfortable when I squeezed into the space between the water fountain and the wall. People shot me weird looks, but I ignored them. Before long, I heard Applejack and Rarity's voice echoing down the hallway. They were talking about...dresses? Applejack knows about dresses?

I zoomed to Trixie. Luckily, most of the students have already exited the building, so not many would witness this going down.

"They're coming," I told her.

She nodded, but I could see she was nervous, too.

"I really hope this wouldn't make things awkward between us," Trixie muttered as she pressed herself against the wall. She grimaced, and I put both my hands on the walls on either side of her.

I gulped. Applejack's voice was getting louder. It was now or never.

I lunged forward, placing my lips flat on hers. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought. But it was still disgusting, not in a literal way, though.

I heard their voices fade away. They must've caught sight of us.

"Move your lips a bit and moan," I hissed. My cheeks were turning red. This was so embarrassing, even if it was fake.

She glowered, but did as I asked. Trixie no doubt was a great actor. I stepped up my game, my hands drifting to her waist and shoulders. She mirrored my movements. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that Applejack would buy this display.

Applejack's POV:

I stopped talking. Rarity looked at me worriedly, before letting out a little "Oh" when she saw it, too.

Rainbow Dash was making out with Trixie Lulamoon? My mind was churning. When did they get together? How did they get together? RD's into girls? Why did they get together? Are they even together? The next emotion I felt was bursting anger. How dare Trixie steal her! Not that she was mine, but I still felt crippling possessiveness.

"Hey! What do ya think yer doin'?" I hollered across the hallway. I rushed forward, Rarity at my heels, trying to pry my friend away from her.

Rainbow Dash let go of her with a gasp. She stumbled back, hitting the opposite locker. Trixie's hair was a mess, her lips bruised red.

I glared at the magician, leaning forward. "If you ever even look at her wrongly again, Ah will skin yer hide faster than Granny Smith can skin an apple." I whispered threateningly into her ear. She was shaking, but there was a smirk on her face. She pushed me away, and ran out the door, looking back one last time.

I huffed, and whipped around to yell at Rainbow Dash. She was on the ground, Rarity by her side.

"WHAT THE HAY?!" I put my hands up in anger. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKIN'?"

Her breaths were shallow. "So?"


I stared down at her mussed state. I've got to admit, she looked pretty cute, rainbow hair all wild and cheeks flushed. And her lips—no, I can't think about that now. I was mad at her...for what? Kissing some girl she likes? No, no, I was mad because I couldn't let my best friend fall for that two-faced vixen. Or anyone, for that matter. I ripped my gaze away, taking Rarity's hand.

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