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I had become paranoid. Weeks had passed and I hadn't recieved a phone call. Nothing had gone wrong, yet I couldn't shake this feeling I was having. I didn't talk to anyone unless I had to; the children at school, a few teachers, Paige from the daycare, and Keagon. He would make sure everything was okay every time he dropped Sophie off for school. It made me feel a little better that at least someone cared, even if it was only his job.

The information from the fingerprints came back. Nothing. Whoever had done this wasn't in the system. I wasn't letting it go though. They touched my son. Mine! They picked him up and took him to my bed. I am grateful that is all they did, but it's still beyond repair for me. When Keagan left my home that night, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I actually woke Nick up, gave him a bath, then changed his clothes.




Months have gone by and I'm getting better. I'm not looking behind my shoulder all the time. It's the beginning of christmas break. Nick was too young to remember or even enjoy Christmas last year, so I'm deciding to go all out. I put up the tree and decorated it. Nick had fun pulling some off and trying to put them back on before he would give up and chunk them away. I laughed to myself. He was my everything. Macy was supposed to be coming to visit in a few days but was postponed by family. I understood and was happy for her, even though I missed her dearly. I was about to start making dinner when a knock came from the door. I scooped Nick up in my arms, looking through the peep hole. I was surprised when I noticed it was Keagon and Sophie.

I opened the door plastering a smile on my face. "Hi Sophie. Mr. Blake." Making sure to send a nod his way.

"If you want me to call you Claire, I expect Keagon in return." He told me, before his handsome face lit up into a smile.

"Come in out of the cold," I ushered them in, sitting Nick by his toys. "What can I do for you Keagon?" I asked as I watched Sophie take off to play with Nick.

"Well Sophie and I were talking and she mentioned how we should invite you over for dinner. She's been talking nonstop the past few days about how she misses her friends and your class. I figured it was worth a try." There for a second a swore I saw a little twinkle in those dull blue eyes before it disappeared. And I let myself ponder on what it would be like to be the reason for them to shine, just for a moment. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. This man probably thought I was nuts as it is. I mean I did cry all over my him the night I recieved the phone call.

"So.. How about it? Dinner?" He asked again. I thought for a moment before deciding I didn't want to spend another night alone, without some grown up company.

I sent him a small smile. "Dinner sounds nice."

Him and Sophie left not long after that. He gave me his address and said to be there in about an hour. Turns out, he only lives a few houses down from mine. Maybe 4 but on the other side of the street. I was quick to shower and dress then hurried to get Nick ready. Nothing fancy. It was just two friends having dinner. I wore jeans and a nice blue blouse and put Nick in a red button up shirt with some jeans. After making sure the diaper bag was packed with everything I checked the time. 5:50 p.m. I guess I can go ahead and make my way over. I bundled us up in jackets before making the walk to his house.

It was beautiful. Lights lined the two story brick home. Nick was clapping and pointing. A white porch wrapped around the whole bottom story and you could see a balcony to a room on the second. Christmas lights streaked every part they could. My guess was this was all for Sophie's benifet. I was happy because it brought a smile to my babys face. I finished admiring the view before heading to the front door. All of a sudden, I became nervous. Should I of brought something with me? Wine? Crap. I probably should of. I went to turn around, right as the door opened.

"Great, you're here! Right on time." Keagon exclaimed making me forget what I was freaking out about. He had changed shirts. He now wore a silver button up and dark jeans. I laughed to myself. At least I wasn't under dressed. I breathed a sigh of relief as he ushered us in the home. His home was magnificent. Hard wood floors, picture lined the beige color walls. Christmas decorations could be seen everywhere. It felt... homey. Lived in. Unlike my boring house.

"You have a beautiful home," I gushed as I sat Nick down to take off his jacket. It was toasty in here from the lit fire place I could see in the living room. I stood up, going to remove my jacket when Keagon came up behind me to help. "Thank you." I added. He was such a gentleman.

"You're here. You're here!" Sophie ran down the stairs yelling. "Can I take Nick to the play room with me? Oh pleassse!" She fluttered her eye lashes at me. I nodded my head and watched as she grabbed little Nicks hand and walked beside him to a room that appeared to be under the stairs.

"How can you ever say no to that face?" I asked turning back to the man that was beside me.

"I will never know," he shrugged with a laugh. "Come on, I'll give you a tour. "

The tour was amazing. The house had 5 bedrooms. 4 upstairs and one down. It also had 3 bathrooms. The kitchen was any womans dream. Everything was dark wood with an island situated in the middle. The appliances were grand and still looked brand new. The living room had the brick fireplace with a huge tv hung on the wall above. A Christmas tree was set up in the corner. He only showed me the downstairs and we stayed away from the bedrooms and I was still rendered speechless. "You really do have a beautiful home." I emphasized. 

"Thank you," he whispered. "Sophie, dinner!" He yelled out to his daughter.

I helped set and put the food on the table. I wasn't one to have everything done for me, and I wanted to help! The food looked great. There was grilled chicken, salad, mac-and-cheese, fruits, and more. He made a plate for Sophie while I made one for Nick. Right as we were finishing, both kids walked in hand in hand with huge smiles on their faces.

"I hope he wasn't too much of a hassle!" I smiled at Sophie. "Nooo! We had soo much fun! Can we do this again?" The blonde hair beauty was basically jumping up and down in her chair.

"We will see baby girl." Keagon answered.

Dinner went great, we all talked about nonsense stuff. It was refreshing. Before I knew it, it was time to go. "Thank you for inviting me. I had a great time!" I said as he helped me into my jacket.

"No problem. Sophie is right, we will have to do it again sometime." He surprised me. I turned to face him, before picking Nick up. "That would be nice!"

I was on cloud nine walking home. I felt light. For the first time in months I didn't feel paranoid. I let loose and had a great night. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed I had reached home. My front door was busted open, and from what I could see, my house was in ruins. I crumpled to the ground, holding Nick tighter as the tears streamed down my face. I did exactly what these people wanted me to do. I let my gaurd down.

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