Chapter 2

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The next day, Minato woke up early due to a phone call Mitsuru sent to everyone, as he got up with a yawn and got ready for the day. He headed downstairs to the front lobby where Mitsuru was there, along with Yukari, who seemed to have gotten ready quickly.

"Good morning Minato, glad to see you have gotten ready quickly, unlike the others," Mitsuru said.

"I'm pretty sure everyone's tired, it's really early," Yukari said with a yawn.

Soon everyone had arrived one by one to the lobby. After having breakfast at the hotel, they agreed to explore Yongen-Jaya for just the day before going on to anywhere else. They headed out, the sun shining, as it was a warm summer day. Minato tried to stay with the group but it was pretty hard, as there were so many people around. He eventually ended up getting lost in a smaller part of Yongen-Jaya, in an alleyway. He decided to look around, knowing he could find his way back later, plus it would be good to learn more about the area. He found a couple of interesting places, including a medical clinic, a batting cage, a movie theatre, and a bathhouse. He made sure to remember to take Junpei to the batting cage next time. While walking, he also found a small cafe named Leblanc. Since he woke up early, he was still kinda tired and a cup of coffee could help. He decided to enter the cafe.

It was a nice cozy place with dark wood tables and chairs, and the smell of fresh-brewed coffee filling the air. Behind the serving table were two people. An older man with glasses and a younger guy, almost around his age with messy black hair and glasses too. He couldn't help but admire the younger boy, he was cute.

"Ah, welcome to Leblanc, how can I help you?" The older man asked.

"Ah...just a black coffee please," Minato said, taking a seat at the table. Good thing he brought his wallet with him.

"You got it," The man said as he worked on the coffee at that time. The younger boy looked at Minato and decided to spark conversation.

"You don't look like you're from around here," The boy said.

"Yeah, I'm not, I'm on vacation with my friends," Minato explained.

"Ah, where are you from?" The older man said, joining their conversation while brewing the coffee

"Tatsumi Port Island," Minato said which shocked both of them.

"Woah, that's far," The older man said as he gave him his coffee.

Minato thanked him before taking a sip of the coffee and was surprised by it. It was amazing, nothing like anything he tasted.

"Wow, this is good," Minato complimented.

"Thanks, I like to say I'm a man of my craft," The older man said. "Ah, my name is Sojiro, and this here is Akira. I'm his guardian" Sojiro said.

"Nice to meet you both," Minato said with a smile.

"You too," Akira said with a smile.

Sojiro headed back, realizing he was out of a couple of things. "Hey Akira, can you handle taking care of the orders until I get back? I need to get a couple of things" Sojiro said, getting his coat.

"Yeah sure," Akira said as Sojiro headed off, leaving the two teens together. Minato decided to watch the news that was playing.

"In the latest news, the Phantom Thieves haven't started any new plans yet since their last target of Kunikazu Okurmura, the leader of the famous Okurmura Food Company '' The news reporter explained.

"Phantom Thieves...?" Minato thought confused. What was that? Maybe Akira would know. "Hey Akira, do you know about these Phantom Thieves?"

Akira was cleaning some cups when he asked that. "Well, not a lot, but they're a crime-fighting group that vows to "steal the heart of the twisted adults". They make bad people confess their crimes. They've been popular a lot, they made at least 4 people confess at this point" Akira explained.

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