No Matter What

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From the very start, Taehyung had it all figured out.

He and Jeongguk would get together as soon as they had both presented. He as the alpha, who will protect and love his precious friend and Jeongguk as the omega, who will look up to and cherish his hyung. This is how the world was always supposed to be: the two of them together no matter what. Taehyung is sure of it.

That is until his 21st birthday, when the universe decides to go ahead and make Taehyung an omega. That certainly puts a hole in his plans.

I want to warn any readers that there is a scene that involves a lot of self-hatred and hints at, but doesn't explicitly describe, suicidal thoughts. It is still full of a lot of self-deprecation. If reading about someone else going through a self-hatred episode is something that would make you uncomfortable, please don't read that section or this fic in general.

   -Alpha Kook
   -Omega Tae
   -Omega Jimin
   -Beta Yoongi
   -Beta Jin
   -Alpha Joon
   -Alpha Jhope
   -Pack bonding
   -Friends to lovers
   -Self lubrication
   -Prostate Massage
   -Tae struggles with his identity
   -29,281 words

For twenty-one years, Taehyung has led what he would call a predictable life. Some might call this a bad thing, but he doesn't think so. He likes to call it stability, security. He had been raised in a loving, nurturing household, had always had lots of friends, and had attended a decent high school where he had achieved decent grades. Even when he started college, the most turbulent time in a lot of young adults' lives, he had it easy. He made a group of friends who he was certain would be around for the rest of his life. He enjoyed his major and he was confident that he was heading down the right career path. He even had his eyes on someone, someone who he was confident could be his life partner one day when the time was right.

Well, the universe must have been holding back on him. Eventually something had to go wrong, right? It was inevitable. But,

Seriously, did it have to happen like this?

This is what Taehyung is thinking to himself as he stands naked in front of a foggy mirror in a tiny log cabin in the middle of a dense forest, clear fluid dripping out of his ass and coating his thighs.


Because Taehyung had had many plans for the future, but being an omega was not one of them.

He stares in wonder at his own reflection, at the way the skin along his legs glistens as more fluid trickles down them. The sensation would be maddeningly uncomfortable if he wasn't so focused on the heat pooling in his belly.

A conversation flashes into the forefront of his mind, breaking through the heady mist that had settled around him and he feels something fragile inside of him shatter just a little bit.


"Do you think things will change between us once we've presented?"

Taehyung props himself up on his elbows, looking over at his best friend who is lying on his back on the grass of the high school football field, staring at the sky.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung is lying on his stomach, a neat pile of torn-up grass that he had been working on for quite some time towering in front of him.

"I mean," Jeongguk turns his head to look at him, his eyes serious, "do you think we'll still be best friends? Or will things become awkward?"

"Why would they be awkward?"

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