bubblegum pop (fine, i'll let you top)

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littleheichou, taintedsuns

Kim Taehyung has always been up Jeongguk's ass about the smallest of things: from unbuttoned collars and messy hair to strawberry bubblegum and cigarettes.

With a genius plan of revenge he intends to put into action, Jeongguk decides to finally show the school council's vice-president who's really on top— but he just might get more than he bargained for.

-High School AU
-Council Vice President Taehyung
-Top Tae
-Bad boy Jungkook
-Bottom Kook
-Semi-Public Sex
-31989 words

The morning bell sounds in the distance just as Jeongguk's taking his third or fourth drag, loud even from the hideout behind the school gym.

Well, 'hideout' being a loose term. It's really just a blind spot from security cameras and the rest of the school grounds, littered with crushed cigarette butts, greying gum and graffiti announcing all sorts of obscenities along the wall— all things he's added to by himself on the days his frustrations needed an easy destructive release and tobacco just wasn't cutting it.

He swears under his breath, wisps of angry smoking pouring out alongside it and he looks at the cheap cigarette in his hand disdainfully, eyes trained on the glowing orange embers peeling off into ash with each gentle gush of wind that rolls by.

What a waste.

He drops the stick to the ground, crushing it under the heel of his thick leather boots, worn-down and dirty from age and neglect. Then, he shrugs back on his blazer, brushing off the dust it collected from laying wrinkled on the ground and blows out the rest of the smoke from his mouth, waving it away impatiently with his hand so the smell doesn't stick to him so much.

He pops a piece of bright pink bubblegum in his mouth for good measure— strawberry flavored and almost sickening against the stubborn remnants of the cigarette. He doesn't do it because he cares if people smell the burning scent from his breath, though, but because, if he's honest, he hates the lingering taste of ash on his tongue.

Pretty ironic, really.

Jeongguk's lucky nobody's hanging around the gym building when he makes it to the front, most students probably already in their homerooms, and he's silently grateful he isn't going to get ratted out by any loser freshman this morning because fuck if he can be bothered with another damn detention this week.

He's already gotten two last week for smoking on school grounds— one of which Principal 'expulsion is imminent if you don't clean up your act' Noh actually phoned his fucking mom about without telling him.

That phone call earned him a ruthless couple of smacks from the woman who's much less bothered about the whole smoking thing and much more adamant on him at least graduating from high school and getting a certificate. A piece of paper so hard to get, yet almost worthless to someone like him, as tragic as that is.

As much as he's the epitome of rebellion, he also doesn't want to piss her off— she's scary when she flares up.

So Jeongguk's slightly more careful when he's smoking in school (old habits die hard), more aware of little stuck up snitches a head shorter than him with those ugly spectacles sitting atop their uglier noses. Rude, but he's never bothered being nice anyway. Honesty is the best policy, isn't what they all say?

He's nearing his homeroom, giving himself just enough time before Mr. Soong gets to class for first period, when there's a tap on his shoulder.

Now which little fucker is this?

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