Chapter 9 ~ Time With Thranduil

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Back to the woodland halls you go, your excitement rising.

You ride to the line of the woodland and stop, Thranduil sat in the glade, a horse next to him, he was creating a flower crown like the one the little elf made for you.

He stood when he saw you and hugged you closely before putting the crown on your head. You giggle and kiss his cheek as he sits down on the grass again.

'I never get time to sit in the grassy glades' he says, looking out into the distance.

'It's so clear and beautiful' you say

Thranduil hmms in agreement as you make your own flower crown, skillfully waving the stems of different flowers and berries together to create a grand crown. You place it on his head and he smiles.

'thank you' he says, taking it off and looking at it closely. 'very fine handy work' he said before placing it on his head again and pulling you up onto his horse. He wrapped his arms round you as he controlled the horse to go into the forest. Your guard was left to get your horse who instinctively trotted after you.

Thranduil put his chin on your shoulder, resting it, you felt his warm breath on the side of your face. You giggle at the sensation as he held you closer. You could feel his strong arms and flat chest holding onto you. You snuggled into him and he kissed your head.

'This week will be so fun' Thranduil mussed. He sounded like a teen, grinning and holding you close.

You soon get to the gates of the woodland realm and you enter, you both hop of the horse as it is taken off and you follow him along the hallways. He brings you to your room and leaves you to get changed.

You get changed and leave the room, walking towards the throne room where Thranduil sat.

'(y/n), come up here' he said, you walked up the steps to the throne as he stood, 'Sit, it's lovely and comfortable'.

You sit, he wasn't lying, the seat was intricately carved but the tree had a kind of bounciness, making it incredible comfortable. You smuggle into it.

You where lifted from the seat by Thranduil who placed you next to it. 'come, I want to show you around' he said, walking off.

You follow him as he shows you around, from the Kitchens to the prisons, the stables to his rooms.

You chatted as you went, he introduced you to different elves like the captain of the gaurd, head chef and personal butler.

He had seen every part of the halls, smiling at your intrigue.

The tour finished at his rooms. He opened the door and let you on. 'If you need me I may be in here' he explained.

The you walked into was large, a bed was on one side, it looked comfy you thought. There was a counter with on the other wall and the last wall opened up to a balcony. There was a passageway which led to what looked like a large open bath pool, water flowed out of a rock face and out down into a small stream, leaving a lake as it where. There was a spiral staircase which led to another floor which led to secret passages.

'I love this, its so beautiful' you say, wondering around.

He pours you and him a drink of wine and hands it to you, sitting on a sofa you sip it and look around some more.

'Thank you' you say, relaxing into the sofa.

'for what?' Thranduil asks smiling

'For being so kind to me, showing my around, for the flower crown and for the necklace' you say. Plucking up courage you say 'i really like you Thranduil'

'I really like you too (y/n) and I did those things to show how much I do like you' thranduil explains, taking your hand.

You smile and go a little red before you kiss him. He puts his glass down and you put yours down. He grabs hold of your waist and pulls you to him slightly, kissing you deeply. You hang onto his neck as he slowly let's you fall onto your back. He takes of your crown and gently places on the side before leaning down and kissing you again.

You had finished kissing and started talking again, he had his arm draped around your shoulders and held you close. You soon fell asleep in his arms.

He didn't want to wake you so carefully he laid you in his bed and fell asleep on the couch.

You woke up and yawned, getting up your she Thranduil sleeping on the couch. You sit next to him and keep him company until he wakes up.

'good morning' he says 'I'm starving' he mused, getting up and getting some lembas bread. 'I always keep a store of lembas, it's one of my favourite foods' he said smiling. He took a peice off and handed it to you, swallowing it you feel full and you sit back on the couch.

A guard nocked on the door and he relayed a message on some duties Thranduil needed to do. He nodded and stood.

'(y/n), I must go, you can do whatever you please' he smiles at you and leaves.

You decide to sit for a while, and then have an idea, you go up the spiral staircase to see a tunnel, you decide to explore once more.

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