A slip

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Sqaishey went to get the pizza and plates and then I heard a bang and crash.

I ran through to the kitchen and see her on the floor.

"Sqaishey, what happened?!" I ask frantically pick the plate parts up and away from Sqaishey

"I slipped" she laughed.

I lifted everything off of her stomach and lifted her up. she wriggled out of my arms though and ended up standing on the broken pieces of plate.

I quickly lifted her up as she started crying.

"I'm so sorry" she says crying into my shirt.

"It's not your fault" I say hugging her into my chest

"can you take me into my bedroom please" she says smiling slightly

"sure, where is it?" I ask

"upstairs and then straight to the left" she says slowly.

"ok" I pull her up and carry her bridal style.

She rested her head on my chest and I carried her upstairs.

I laid her on her bed.

"Where do you keep first aid stuff?" I ask. 

"The cupboard above the oven or in that bathroom their in that cupboard" she says pointing to a bathroom.

I quickly open the cupboard in the bathroom and grab a bandage and some antiseptic cream and some other stuff.

I carefully bathed her feet with a warm cloth and antiseptic stuff.

"owwww" she whimpers.

"I'm sorry" I sigh.

I finish bathing her feet and bandage her feet.

"Thanks" Sqaishey smiles slightly.

"It's ok" I grin

"Can we still watch the film?" Sqaishey begs

"of course" I laugh

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