Where are we going?...

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I walked through the house, straight out onto the back garden and sat on the swing.

Soon after I sat down Stampy joined me.

"hey" he smiled. It seemed awkward for some reason. 

"I guess we should talk about last night then" I sighed.

""Yeah" Stampy smiled weakly.

"why then? Why did you say those things?" I asked a little upset.

"I don't know. I was tired I guess" Stampy took my hands into his.

I smiled and pulled away my hands. I flung my arm around him.

As we pulled away I threw myself in, kissing him. This made him fall backwards into the seat so I climbed on top of him so he couldn't get up.

"heyyy" he moaned laughing.

"I love you" I whispered smiling.

"I love you too!" He replied with a smile. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me again, this time for longer.

"Come on, I want to take you somewhere" He whispered, I grabbed my crutches and stood up.

((I know I said that she had a fractured wrist but just pretend she can still have crutches or that i never said that))

Stampy lead me out to a taxi and we got in.

"where are we going?" I questioned.

"You'll see" he whispered.

Where are we going?...

Stampy and Sqaishey Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now