My fault

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I just declined it and stood up.

I could hear her crying, I upset her! It's all my fault! I looked through the window again and she was sat up now. 

She was whispering something to herself, I wonder what...

"I'm sorry Stampy" is all I could hear her whisper. 

My phone started ringing again. I saw Sqaishey look straight at the window so I quickly crouched again.

I heard her sigh. I peered through the window and watched her as she tried to stand up. She quickly fell back down again from the pain.

I can't leave her like that! I stood up and walked to her door. I sighed and walkedd in, closing the door behind me.

"Stampy, I'm so sorry!" Sqaishey cried as I walked in

"Let's just not talk about it" I sighed.

"ok, but can we at least talk about it tomorrow?" 


I sat down and Sqaishey rested her head on my lap. After a while she fell asleep so I lifted her head carefully and stood up.

I picked her up and carried her into her bedroom, I laid her on her bed and sighed.

I decided I would have to stay because I couldn't leave her as she was.

I took my jumper off and rolled it up as a pillow. I laid on the floor and finally fell asleep.

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