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Y/n pov.

I woke up in my bed..confused. 'Was this all just a dream?' I thought. But then Jimin burst through the door and embraced me into a hug. "You're okay!! I thought you died." Jimin shouted. "She should of." Taehyung said in a low mumble. "Shut it Taehyung, you was the one who was the most worried." replied Jimin. "I was not, stop it with the jokes." said Taehyung as he walked out the door. "He was lowkey tho" Jimin said then turned around to me. "So...what happened? Why was you on the ground with your head in a bag?" jimin asked. "I-" I was cut off by Yuri walking into the room. "I told you she was just playing stupid and ran into the wall." She said in an annoyed tone. "I didn't ask you." jimin said in a pissed voice. "Oppa, are you really treating me like this for an outsider?" She said in a sad tone with teary eyes. "You all changed when she came to this house. I thought you said I was your princess.." She said.."but now I am the bad guy in your eyes." She cried and ran away. Then jungkook brust into the room and grabbed me by the shirt. " Stop making her cry!" He shouted in my face. "I-" I was cut off again. "Jungkook, she didn't-" Jimin said trying to make Jungkook let go. "I should of never let you into this house. i regret that the most." Jungkook cuts him off and threw me back on to the bed harshly and walked away. What he said was hurtful and it hit me right in the heart. " I'm sorry Y/n..your life had been so horrible since you got here." Jimin said in a sad tone. "It's okay, I am used to it.." I said remembering the time when the kids in my town who used to treat me this way because of what happened to my parents. As I remember the memories, I started to cry. I remember how they was killed so brutally in front of everyone as the other people hold me back. Then I remembered the was my mom soft smiled and whisper "i love you." as my dad also smiled at me saying "it's gonna be okay"  but the thing was...it was not okay. I hated that it wasn't. 'I just wanted my parents back, was that too hard to ask?' I qustioned myself as I cried harder. Jimin just pulled me into a hug as he patted my back. "It's okay, I'll always be here for you."  He said softly. I humed in responed, when I was done crying, Namjoon came throught the door after knocking. "Y/n we gotta talk. follow me." He said and walked away. As I got up to follow him, Jimin said "Be careful, tell me if anything gos wrong okay?" "Okay." I replied. I then followed Namjoon into the libary and sat down when he told me to. "Y/n, since you and Yuri can't get along I will have to tell you to leave." He said calmly. "Don't get me wrong. I don't hate you or anything, it's just I can't kick yuri out. She was here since she was young. she's like my little sister." He said. "Plus I cant let you live here any longer..." He continued. " I don't want you to put them into danger....." He dragged on that sentence. " You're not like us...I know what you are." He said and I panicked. 'He knows' I thought. " It's alright.. I wont tell anyone what you are...my...queen." He looked at me the gave me a little bow. "Here is not save for you to hide. I have already arranged a place for you to stay already. " He said rather quitely. "Alright.." I hesitate to reply. I don't know rather to trust him or not. "Dont be scared. I won't take any of your blood." He said trying to be reassuring. "You're blood may make me very powerful, but I don't need that." He said. " You're parents trusted you with me, I've tried looking for you everywhere. I just couldn't find you. I am sorry I took so long." He said to me with a sad look. I felt bad but I was also confused. 'Why was he looking for me and how did he know my parents?' I questioned myself. "I know you're confuesed but I'll tell you when the day comes." He said and got up from the chair. " Go pack and I'll see you downstairs by the door." He said and walked out.

To be continued.

A/N: I'm sincerely sorry for being gone for like a year or so...but i am back now and i am sorry if this story dont make sence at all. I am thinking about deleting this story and starting a new one. But i don't know. Let me know if i should continue or start a new one and delete this one. Give me Some sugestions to make this better. That's all, have a good day or night.


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