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It was the night that day.

They all said goodbye to everyone who has to go back home. Jungkook and Jimin with Johnny has to go bid goodbye with Mr.Park, and so on the man bid them with safety and goodluck before saying goodbye.

They will miss him for sure, especially Johnny.

Now, Jungkook was already up to go to his bed, he was already done showering, too sad he didn't get to meet Taehyung though maybe the younger was already asleep tonight.

But then he was about to go right when he immediately hear some noises. Frowning, he then listened feeling the madness rushing into him as he heard the familiar voice, exclaiming for help.

"Fuck stop, hel-hmp!!"

'Taehyung?' his eyes widen when he finally see who it is, and yes, it is Taehyung.

But he isn't alone, Jongil was there with his friends once again, it's always been them.

What the hell is their problem?! He was about to run into Taehyung when the man hovered above Taehyung making him yelp in surprise, Jungkook then angrily snapped.

"What are you doing?!" He shouted but Jongil just smirk, he was out of his mind.

"I was really wondering, Jungkook-shie.." he started to talk, his both hands were gripping Taehyung's hands in place, Taehyung's mouth were tape as he whimpered at the stings from how tight the grip was.

"Please Jongil, put your hands away from him." He tried to calm him down, but the man snickered.

He was about to be tackled down when he caught Ten's arms, immediately sending a hard punch into his abdomen, the man crouched down, feeling the pain rushing through his body with just a one punch from Jungkook.

"I don't really wanted to fight back but guess this is only the way to make you stop what you-" Oliver then throw a punch and after punches but he didn't get the chance to land some fist when he tackled him down as well.

Taehyung has his eyes wide a she looked at Jungkook trying to fight them Andrew, they know them all since they are pretty much known in the camp, Jongil, the leader, who is currently standing up to finally fight Jungkook, Oliver was the first one who was grunting from the pain, Ten was the second one who got tackled down, and Andrew has been limping away from Jungkook, he can't do anything, he roped down, his mouth was taped and all he could say was muffled pathetic noises, tears filling his eyes.

He can't believe Jungkook really did this for him, he doesn't even know the first time who will be saving him, and he thinks it's impossible for Jungkook to find him, he is thankful, very.

He looked over them, eyes widened as he saw Jongil with a knife in his hands, running into Jungkook, who has his back from him.

"Hmpp! Hmpp!!" He tried to sounded it up immediately getting Jungkook's attention which he immediately was thankful for.

Jungkook noticed the knife but he didn't move his body in time, letting the small dagger to land into his cheeks, making it bleed. He hissed.

It was just small but it sting because of the sweat he has. Jongil smirked. "Thought you are tough.", Cackling his neck as he chuckled more sounded like a maniac old man.

He started to move a little more closer to Jungkook, and he was about to attack once again when Jungkook push his hands away, the knife landing flat down into the dirty ground, he started to punch Jongil in the face making him landed into his back.

"I told you to stop." He said, the man glared at him before looking at his friends. They were all limping down.

Jungkook then take advantage to the man and walk over to Taehyung, immediately crushing down to his level taking the tape, Taehyung letting out a small whimpers his tears falling down, as he hugged Jungkook.

"We should go." Taehyung worriedly look over to his cheeks, the blood had drained but they are still fresh from his view. Jungkook took the knife from before, it had stained his blood but he didn't care at all, he then cut the ropes from Taehyung's hands down to his feet, the man hissed as it stings, rubbing it softly.

He was about to complain when Jungkook pulled him, bridal style, he put his hands around his neck, only looking at Jungkook's handsome face.

After then, they immediately walk into Namjoon's office startling the man with Seokjin in his lap, they both gasped at Taehyung.

"What happened?" Jungkook puts him down into the mattress as he silently whimper at the loss of contact.

Jungkook explained it all as Namjoon finally announced that Jongil and his group will be sending into the other camp. They aren't gonna kick them out, so they will get some people that will replaced them from the other camp and so they will exchange them with Jongil and his array.

"Everything is okay now..." Seokjin says as he smiled into Taehyung who just had his eyes into Jungkook, he was with Namjoon.

Probably by now, Namjoon will talk to their father and tell him what happened, that man would get worried again.

As soon as he was fully calmed he was wrap with a comforter as he walks out of Namjoon's tent, smiling at the thought of Seokjin in his brother's lap earlier, he didn't mind it before since it's a normal thing for them, they are lovers anyways. He just thought that what if Jungkook is his lover, would be let Taehyung sits on his lap?

"Hey.." he immediately looked around afraid it would be Jongil again, but then a creep smile flattered his face as he sighed. "Hey..." He replied.

Jungkook then walk into his side making him look over into his wounded cheek. "Im sorry.." he just feels like he had to say it.

"If it wouldn't been because of me you shouldn't have hurt yourself." He looked down when Jungkook didn't reply, not even aware of him getting closer.

"I should be the one saying that." And so immediately looked up trying to protest but then he was startled at the sudden closeness of their faces, it made him blush.

"I didn't get to save you in time.." it made him chuckle though, Jungkook didn't think it's funny.

"I should have save you in time." And so, Taehyung knows he ain't joking at all, he became serious as well.

"W-Well, im not hurt at all..." He says, Jungkook sighed that made him look up. "Yes you are, mentally."
Taehyung smiled gratefully at him.

"Thank you, Jungkook..but im okay, he didn't touch me, im just overreacting. Im not hurt if that's the case, and im not hurt mentally either, Jongil didn't touch me." He reassured him.

"Taehyung..." The younger hummed.

"Nothing.." he frowned.

"Your cheek..." Taehyung pointed out, he let go of the topic Jungkook was about to start thinking it will make them uncomfortable.

"It's fine, it's just a cut." Taehyung was about to do something but he restrained himself, as he clenched his fist in a ball. He looks cute, he was under his comforter, pouting, fist clenching, as he look at Jungkook.

But Jungkook took his hands, slowly wrapping it around his torso, Taehyung would be lying if he isn't surprised, it's what he wanted to do.

"I know how to read mind." He joked, making Taehyung pout even more.

"Please be okay, kookie." Jungkook smiled at that.

"Im fine."

"Im sorry."

"I forgive you."

"Okay..." Taehyung rest his face into Jungkook's chest, his cheeks puffed out making him pout even more.

"Jungkook.." the older hummed.

"I feel weird." He started to remarked what Jungkook just said the other day when they go ice skating together.

"Where?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung look up at him smiling shyly, his cheeks has its own red color as if he had just painted himself with it.

"Here.." he pointed into his chest.

"It's normal, because I feel the same as well." Taehyung smiled, nodding his head as he put his head back into Jungkook.

He feel complete.

He loves being complete.


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