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It's then the day after the war.

Jungkook was still resting, ofcourse he did open his eyes which relieving Taehyung and the whole Seoul.
The news just got scattered like;

"Mr.Jeon Jungkook have finally been confirmed fine."

"Jeon Jungkook is already into his recoveries."

"Jeon Jungkook is all over Seoul's news. And a new captain?"

The last one triggered Taehyung the most, and the fact that Jungkook would looked more decent into the position makes him cheered up for the older. Why not?

Today was the funerals of the dead, everyone was gathering up in the ceremony. They are on the cemetery, a large one.

Taehyung was standing beside Namjoon, the soldiers were around to were they will bury the soldiers.
They have done enough though maybe it's time for them to rest in peace. Everyone was really thankful, for their voluntarism.

"Luke Britson." The soldier announced, the families have been crying for so long. Taehyung can't stand it.

"Bobby Chan." Some soldiers were crying as well, but stillt hey were standing firmly, eyes were wetting their cheeks.

"John Samson." Taehyung looked down.

"Joshua Nam."

"Miko Stephens." Yes, Johnny Stephens's brother died, he was a good kid from the small valley around Seoul, a volunteer as well. Johnny just can't stop crying as Jimin comforts him.

They then pulled out the white balloons, and so let it go before saying goodbye.

Ugh, too much drama.


It was a very long day and Taehyung was still in Jungkook's room. Looking directly at his own features, his closed eyes, his cheeks were pale as his lips run dry.

"Why do you still look good even though you were just sleeping?", He was always like this, even started yesterday, he had been talking to Jungkook, gaining the sudden confidence from nowhere.

He knows Jungkook have heard him. He knows he was alive, and he was just resting but you know, it's just time to give yourself a credits to maybe addendum the confidence.

"And, you know what, you were all around the news today." He added. Everyone want Jungkook to finally end his rest and maybe, just maybe face the media.

"Why don't just end your rest?" He asked and Jungkook stirred, but he didn't wake up, his face was now facing Taehyung's making him feels uneasy, blushing madly.

"Guess you aren't going to wake up sooner." He said before backing away slowly trying not to wake Jungkook up.

The war have ended. Jiwol was being summoned to his death sooner, along with his group.

"Hey, my hero?" He called out, but Jungkook didn't answers which he sighed.

" you." He whispered before immediately jumping when the door open revealing his own father.

"Hi." He greeted him and the man smiled at him as well. "Are you okay? You look so red?" Jwungil asked and he just hummed before looking. "M'Fine."

"How is he?" Jwungil asked and Taehyung answered him truly, before walking down to sit beside Jungkook's head, his arms were around Jungkook's shoulders.

"I see you finally heard the news?" Jwungil asked and the young man nod his head.

"Do you agree to that?" He looked at him before looking back at Jungkook, staring into his slumbering face, his eyelashes were kissing his cheeks.

"He suits the position so well father, I bet he would be fine on being the captain." He says, caressing Jungkook's cheek, where the scar was on.

"And besides, he had done something for the history of CNF." He added before looking at his smiling father. Taehyung have grown loving this family, and he was glad to find friends in a very weird way possible.

Imagine disliking guns and grenades for all of your life but then realizing that the one you truly dislikes the most is the one you truly love today and maybe to the near future as well.

Well he could always agree to the sayings, the more you hate the more you love right? Because for Taehyung, CNF is his other family now, he has friends in here, and he did find everything he was lacked out of.

He found his true love, and that's Jungkook for sure.

He had learned his lessons with everyone advising him to this and that, he had been feeling a real jealousy as well, because of Dawun Oh.

He had a real friend because of Jimin, and he had known Yoongi well because of giving in to his father's liking.

Destiny just did played them well.

"I love him so much." He finally confessed and he felt his father walking into his side, holding his shoulder making him look up.

"And I love you...." Taehyung was confused.

"So im trusting him one more time, because I have been trusting Jungkook since the day he stands in my camp." Taehyung lick his lips, before smiling gratefully into his father, his eyes were getting teary.

"I have your permission, and I see you really love this man so much." He nod eyes shut when he feels Jwungil's lips pressed into his forehead.

"I love you, and I know Jungkook loves you more, and i would be very happy to blessed you with him." He says finally making Taehyung in tears, hugging his father immediately.

"I love you father."

"I love you son."


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