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"Fat ass"




This is all I hear as I walk down the hall towards my locker. You would think it upsets me after awhile but i've gotten pretty damn use to it over time. You would think Madilynn would say something to them, but no instead she encourages or just joins in. I open the door to my locker only to have it shoved shut my the school's jock Calum Hood. 

"What the hell Calum?" I ask him.

"What? Not my fault that your locker closed." He replied.

"Fuck off."

Next thing I knew I felt a sharp stinging pain across my right cheek. Calum Fucking Hood just slapped me.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again. Got it." He told me then walked off down the hall towards his friends. Once he got down to his friends they all high-fived him and told good job for slapping me. To top it all of Madilynn was telling him that he should of slapped me harder. Bitch. I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked down to my first period class.

"Good morning class." Ms.Banks, my English teacher, told us.

"Good morning Ms.Banks." The class chorused back at us.

"Today we are going to review our project for the Scarlett letter. This lesson will take about ten minutes to cover and then I'm going to divide you up into pairs."

Ms.Banks when on to explain the project while I just stopped paying attention to what she was saying.

"OK now everyone I have the pairs posted on the bulletin board. So go see who your partner is for this assignment."

I got up out of my seat and walked over the to see who my partner. Once I found my name I looked across at my partners name and nearly fainted. I was paired with my sister's boyfriend Luke Hemmings. 

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