Mixed emotions.

15 3 1

Roses are red
Violets are purple
A guy in love can be very annoying!!

Jemima's POV
    I got home feeling very tired from the day's event. I had fun, I totally forgot to check out for mysterious buddy.

I picked my phone and tried to call him but it was not going through. A part of me was worried, I felt like something was wrong with him.

Jem go to bed, stop worrying he is not a friend or an acquaintance, my inner mind yelled.

Shut up he's a friend, I said.

Hmmm, someone thinks she has a friend, my inner mind said.

I hissed, rolled over my bed and tried to sleep but not before thinking about the mystery buddy.

The buzzing sound of the alarm woke me up, I checked the time and it was 7:00am, today is Sunday and I suddenly feel the need to attend church.

I've been avoiding church for about 3 months because I do not want see my mother and I find it uncomfortable attending another church. I just have to go to church early and sit in front, so I don't get to see her. My mother comes late to everything so she'll probably sit in the back. I got dressed and left for church.

I got to church and went straight to the front to sit behind the choirs' corner.

As I settled on the chair, my phone rang, it was a call from mysterious buddy, I felt so relieved, he's okay after all. I'm kinda in church because of him, I don't know why though.

Hello, I said .

Good morning, sunshine, his voice sounds so masculine, I thought.

Good morning, I don't know if you are a believer but I think you should be considerate before calling me, you can't just pick up your phone and call me whenever you like and I don't even get the opportunity to do the same, I said.

Why do you sound so angry? Did you miss me? He said.

I think you should be able to figure it out, I'm in church and I can't talk to you now, I said.

So you missed me then, he said.

I don't miss you and I don't care whoever it is that you are, you are bugging me and making my peaceful life a living hell, I said.

I was getting people's attention to myself and I didn't like the stares and glares they were giving.

Calm down Jemima, I just wanted to know if the concert went well, he said.

It went well and you can't keep doing this, I whispered.

You'll meet me soon, he said and hung up.

God, I hate when he does this , I almost screamed. I remember I was in public and comported my self.

I felt a hand behind me, It was the church usher asking me to move to the sit behind me as the sit I'm on is already taken. I felt a bit offended but moved nevertheless. Politics everywhere even in the house of God, I thought.

The service began and the pastor preached about honoring thy parents.

He started with this "As we grow older, we might ignore our parents, be embarrassed by them, detest them, try to forget we ever knew them. But unlike the umbilical cord, the one thing we can never sever is the cord that ties us to our parents, for, were it not for them, we would not be. "Honor your father and mother." God tells us in this commandment that parenthood is a high and lofty vocation–a calling worthy of honor. This commandment tells us our God is invested in relationships. In fact, God sees us IN relationships. The commandment says: Actions have consequences. How we live DOES make a difference. When we honor our parents we honor God and everything he creates. Even though they've offended us one or way or the other we just have to forgive due to the love we have for God and because we want to gain his love and be at peace" I felt like everything the pastor said was because of me, I felt really bad and was moved to tears.

I left the church premises because I wouldn't want to break down here. I took a bike home, I couldn't control the tears it just kept flowing down.

I remembered how my father will beat my mother mercilessly and  lock me up in the store room. I remembered how his girlfriends will insult me and how one of them threw pepper water in my eyes.

Should I forgive him? I thought. I guess I have to.

Khaleed's POV
    I couldn't sleep well last night, I couldn't stop thinking about suzy's half sister. She's pretty but I don't know why I feel so drawn to her. I want to get to know her. To get to know her I have to be close to Suzy but won't I be giving Suzy a wrong impression, I thought. I don't want to lead her on, fuck it, I thought.I'm calling her. I need to meet her half sister. I called her .

Hello Suzy, I said.

Hello boo, how are you? Miss me already she asked.

I smiled, not really, I want to ask you about something, I said.

Oh! Spill, she said.

What's your half sister's name, I asked.

Is that it she asked? Yes and what's her contact number? I asked.

She laughed, are you kidding me right now.

Nope, I said I'm serous.

Are you okay khaleed? What do you need from her, she asked.

Are you giving me or not, I asked.

Her name is Jemima but you'll have to figure out her contact number yourself.

No problem, thank you, I said.

Okay, and please don't you ever call me for stuffs like this again, she said angrily and hung up.

That's your problem, I can't deal with the problem of a rich spoilt brat, I thought. I got her name, Jemima, that's a step forward. I jumped up for joy. I'm a step closer.

Thank you for reading again!!!
I'm grateful .
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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