Chapter fourteen.

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After school, Jade takes Tori back to Jade's house.

"Jade please dont do this." Tori pleads.
"I'm not letting her throw you out. No. No way. It's not fair on you." Jade says.

Tori sighs.

"At least before you go in, you should know why she's kicked me out." Tori says.

Jade nods.

"She found out about me and you. She got mad a-and told me to leave and never come back. She was fully against us. She threatened me saying 'if i ever coem back, she'll kill me and you.' And i didnt wanna take that risk for you." Tori says.

Jade smiles.

"She wont hurt me." Jade says.
"If she does, I'm gunna blame myself. Please dont go." Tori says.
"I promise you, i will be fine. It's not like she has a chance of hurting me anyway." Jade says.

Tori sighs.

"Just please dont come back in a body bag." Tori says.

Jade laughs causing Tori to laugh.

"Don't worry. I'll be absolutely fine. I promise. Wont be long." Jade says.

She grabs a few pairs of scissors from her bedroom and puts them into her skirt.

"Protection purposes." Jade says.

Tori laughs.

Jade pulls up at Tori's house and knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Trina yells.

Jade walks in.

"Figured I'd see you today Jade." Trina says.
"Yeah well, you kicked my girlfriend out of her house for dating me." Jade states.

Trina laughs.

"It's not her house. Mom and dad left it with me. Its my house, i make the rules. I said she could stay if she broke up with you. She said no to breaking up with you. I told her to leave and never come back. I said 'If you come back, I'll kill you and Jade.' Now she left to stop you from getting hurt. But here you are, about to get killed because you want your girlfriend to live here. How dumb." Trina says pulling out a knife.

Jade shakes her head.

"Well, i made a promise to Tori." Jade says.
"And what was that promise?" Trina asks.
"That I'd leave here alive. And i plan on leaving here alive." Jade says.
"So what, you gunna kill me now?" Trina says.
"Depends. Push me too far and i might not hold back." Jade says.

Trina laughs.

"You've got no chance." Trina says.
"Bring it on bitch." Jade says.

Trina points her knife at Jade.

"We fight proparly. No weapons. Guns, Knives, Scissors. None of them. Fists and fists only." Jade says.

Trina nods.

"No weapons. Only fists." Trina says.

They decide to put the weapons they have on the coffee table.

"I'm gunna kill you Jade." Trina says.
"Bring it the fuck on." Jade says.

20 minutes later, Jade and Trina are layed on the floor. Cuts and bruises, blood dripping from open cuts on them.

Jade's nose is burst and she has a black eye. Multiple cuts across her face and a knife in her arm. Jade's arm is broken. Trina used the knife she had.

Trina is covered in cuts and bruises. Black eye, broken nose. She has cuts on her face. Nothing broken. No knife stuck out of her.

Jade's eyes are closed. Trina sits up and looks at Jade.

"Fuck. What did i do?" Trina says.

Trina runs out of the house leaving Jade on the floor.

Tori is pacing around Jade's bedroom.

"She's taking too long." Tori says.

Tori runs into the kitchen.

"Mr West. I think Jade is in trouble. Serious trouble." Tori says.

Tori and Dom gets into his car. Matt is at Joey's house so no problems.

Tori opens her front door and sees Jade on the floor.

"No. No no no no!" Tori yells.

Dom runs next to Jade while Tori calls 911.

A few minutes later, Tori is sat next to Jade while Dom is looking for supplies.

"Jade come on." Tori says.

She shakes Jade. A few minutes later, Jade slowly opens her eyes.

"Jade? Thank god. It's okay. You're okay. What happened?" Tori asks.

Jade tries to sit up. Tori helps her and Jade rests her head on Tori's shoulder.

"We agreed. No weapons. We put all the weapons we had on the coffee table. She has another knife. A pocket knife hidden on her. She pulled it out and stuck it in my arm. We both threw punches at the same time which knocked each other down." Jade says.

Tori shakes her head.

"I told you not to come here. I told you it was dangerous." Tori says.

Jade coughs a little.

"She left though didn't she?" Jade says.

Jade laughs causing Tori to laugh. The ambulance crew walks in. They put Jade on an ambulance bed.

"Can i come with?" Tori asks.
"Any relation?" One guy asks.
"Father and Girlfriend." Dom says.

Tori nods. Tori gets in the ambulance.

"I'll meet you there. I gotta go file a report at the station." Dom says.

Tori nods. Tori holds Jade's hand.

"You're dumb. You know that." Tori says.

Jade laughs.

At the hospital, Tori is pacing backwards and forwards. Cat, Beck, Robbie and André walk in.

"We came as soon as we got your call Tori. Which room is she in?" Beck asks.
"I dont know. She's been in surgery for ages." Tori says.

A nurse walks in 30 minutes later.

"People for Jade West?" She asks.

Tori looks up.

"This way." The nurse says.

Tori gets up fast and follows the nurse. They walk in and see Jade. Stitches on her face and a cast over her arm.

"Jade." Tori says.
"Hey." Jade says.

Tori pulls Jade into a not so tight hug.

"You're an idiot. I told you not to go in there and you went in there." Tori says.

The gang pull Jade into a loose hug.

"You guys didn't have to come." Jade says.
"We did. You're our friend. We haven't seen each other outside of school a lot but you're still our friend and we wanna be here for you." Cat says.

Jade smiles.

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