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1~Closer pt. 1

Right before Yashiro came

"You stillll don't have a wish yet (Y/n)?"

I felt my face heating up.

I love it when he calls me my first name~ He hasn't done it in a while. Normally it's just (L/n). Maybe he's just doing it on accident but still.

"N-Nah. I just like hanging out with you" I smiled, not bothering to hide my blush.

"Oh? You do huh?" Hanako floated down from the toilet seat, now sitting on the floor, in front of me. I nodded like an obedient dog. He chuckled and patted my head. "I'm really happy to have a friend like you y'know?"

He's  just the cutest, funniest, just best ever! Even though I'm sure he just thinks of me as a good friend, I love being around him so much.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps coming toward the bathroom. I snapped my head up.

"Hey H-Hanako, I'll hide in some stall, just please don't do anything stupid" I pleaded, grabbing his hand from my head, holding it in my hands.

"Pff, you're being too serious (L/n)" he laughed a bit then disappeared.

I heard the steps growing nearer and ran to the nearest stall. I peeked over it and noticed a small, long haired girl, who's legs resembled daikon.

I know her. We have the same home room class. She's a first year as well. What's she doing here?

During Yashiro's 'cleaning duty'

Who knew that was when shit would hit the fan?

I kept thinking, with slight attitude. I don't know why Hanako has such an attraction to this girl but it's so painfully obvious. It's like the only one who doesn't notice is her.

Makes me kind of...sad. Who am I kidding, I'm lying to myself. I've been trying to think so many rude thoughts and basically anything to avoid the fact that Hanako doesn't like me, he likes daikon legs.

"Ah, what's the matter (Y/n)? You look so depressed" Hanako, as if on queue, floated in front of me.

It's like I don't even get happy when he calls me my first name anymore.

I was sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall, watching the girl scrub at the ground, talking about how some boy asked her to organize papers for him or something.

"O-Oh" I responded. I didn't mean to show it in my face. "I d-didn't mean to..I-I mean I'm s-sorry" I scratched the nape of my neck. He just looked at me funnily and floated away, over to..I think her actual name was..Yashiro?

After they were basically flirting for a bit. Or, it seemed more like Yashiro complaining. I heard Hanako whisper into her ear, while wrapping his arms around her. As much as I didn't want to listen, I still heard every word.

"Come on, stay with me. I'll treat you a lot better..than that guy will"

Right after he said that I felt like crying but also like hitting someone all at once.

"Woah, l-look at the time. Guess I should go, see you guys later" Right after I said that, I stood up and closed the door behind me.

I didn't want to cry, it makes me feel really selfish. If he likes her then that's that, he shouldn't feel compelled to stop liking her just for me. I feel like an awful friend for even feeling this way about him.


I wonder what (L/n) was so upset for. Even though she didn't say it, I could kinda see it, I don't think Hanako noticed though..what a complete and utter airhead.

I have to admit I was really shocked that she already knew Hanako, even more so when I found out that she kept staying around him willingly.

I fiddled around with my pens and notebook, looking down at my desk. It was a free period and I didn't know what to do. I looked over at (L/n). She was sitting at her desk, laying her head on it.

She looks, uh, defeated.

I sighed and stood up to go talk to her. I mean, we both have Hanako in common, I'm sure we'd get along.

"Hey (L/n)" I smiled, leaning in front of her desk.

She looked up at me, weakly. "..."

I sweat dropped. Okay, maybe not exactly 'get along'

"So. You hang out with Hanako? He must've found some way to manipulate you huh?" I asked, crouching now, so my head was level with hers.

Her eyes glossed over a bit when I mentioned him. "That's not true!" She yelled, drawing everyone's attention over to us. Not to mention, taking me aback, I didn't think she was gonna say anything.

Did she just..speak without thinking?

Once everyone went back to minding their business, she started talking regularly.

"I mean" she coughed, sitting up straight. "I like hanging out with him. Just for him. I haven't even wished for anything"

Before I could respond she continued talking. "But he likes you. I can't even get him to call me by my first name...but I" she starting rambling.

"I've always wanted a bond..with Hanako. One like you have.." she sighed looking at the ground.

She- AHA- that's priceless. She really thinks I like Hanako? I mean he's real pain for one, secondly, he's always threatening to turn me into a fish any time I disobey him.

Wait! Likes me? I doubt it. Even though my love life's pretty tragic, I wouldn't go for Hanako. Besides, (L/n) just looks so genuinely happy, and all  she's doing is talking about him. I wouldn't want to take a guy like that from her.

"Why can't you? I mean, he's not my type anyway" I responded.

She looked like she stopped breathing for a moment, then stared at me, with hope in her eyes.

"Are you saying what I-" I cut her off.

"Yeah. I'll help you get closer to Hanako"


Relationship II Hanako-Kun x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now