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Today I was helping Nene plant, along with the others. She basically begged me to come along with her because Aoi was out sick today.

"Sorry Senpai!"

"It's okay. I'm not gonna bite you or anything y'know" I smiled.

It's been about a week since I've first met Nene. We've became really good friends and she's really sweet. Along the way however, a boy, well a hereditary exorcist, has been hanging around us. I personally think he's cool and I'm grateful that even though he was originally planning to exorcize Hanako, he hasn't done it.

He did some dramatic fall backward thing and bowed multiple times. "You're so kind and merciful! Thank you!"

I sweat dropped and dug up his mis-planting. "It's really not that big of a deal, see?" I scooted over closer to him. I put the seed in his hands and guided them to plant it correctly.

"You basically had it right the first time, just be a little more precise" I continued to help him until he re-planted it perfectly.

"Hey! We did it!" Kou dusted his hands off.

Iwas about to congratulate him before I felt his arms wrap around me. Not going to lie it was really shocking. But it didn't exactly feel bad, so I hugged back. "Yeah, good job"

While we were hugging, I feel like someone's eyes were on us, but I left it alone.

I was walking back to Hanako after filling the water bucket up, until I noticed him glaring. I got a little closer to see what exactly was being glared at and I saw (Y/n) and Kou hugging.

I can't really think of a reason he'd be mad about that..unless he's jealous.

After trying to decipher what was going on, I decided to just go see for myself and tapped on Hanako's shoulder.

He flinched. Was he really all that invested in those two hugging?

"Huh? What is it Yashiro?" He asked, almost like he was rushing me, like he had somewhere to be, or something more important to do.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you were okay. You seem really lost in thought" I explained, leaning closer to the ground, so I could begin watering what I've just planted.

He looked confused, as if not by my question, but more like he was questioning himself. Like an internal discussion.

"It's nothing. I was just thinking that once we're done planting, we should all go and hang out on the roof. Like, as a job well done"

I scoffed. "Not like you've done anything"

He pouted then put a finger to his chin. "Like I've just been sitting around not doing a thing? Kind of like what fish do"

After he said that I stiffened up, taking that as a warning and continued watering. He just giggled at my reaction. 'I can't stand him'


"Have you ever exorcised a spirit before?" I asked.

Hanako wanted to move to the roof. Not sure why, because only me and Kou have been talking. Nene was getting ready to leave, but wanted to say bye to us first and Hanako was just...well he looks kind of like he's plotting.

Kou looked a little embarrassed but then shook his head. "S-Sorry to disappoint you Senpai, but I've never exorcized one before. Guess that makes me pretty lame"

It's not all that bad, I mean if I was in his shoes, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.

"It's okay! You're not lame or anything like that. You're just not ready yet. But when you are, I'm sure you'll be a really kick ass exorcist" I was holding Kou's hand while I was talking, but I felt someone separate them.

I blinked a bit but then realized it was Hanako, who'd separated our hands by floating in between us.

"Oh hey you two. I hate to break up this touching moment, but I think it's time for you two to leave, I mean Yashiro just left a while ago and I think you two should do the same" He smiled, closing his eyes.

"Oops. Guess I wasn't paying attention to the time" Kou said, standing up, grabbing his bag as well. "You wanna walk together (Y/n)?"

"No she can't" Hanako said, kind of hurried. "I mean, (N/n) can't because I have to talk to her first"

He looked like he was going to object, but he just shrugged. "(N/n)? That's pretty cute! Okay then, guess I'll see you tomorrow then (N/n)!" Kou shouted, then headed for the doors.

I could've swore I saw a vein pop from Hanako's forehead.

"What's the mat-" I turned to face Hanako, and ask what was wrong with him before he pulled me into a hug. I felt his grip on me get tighter and tighter.

"I don't really know how to describe this feeling (N/n), but it's really pissing me off"

He finally broke the hug, looking at me in the eyes.

"W-Well explain it to me then. I want to know what's wrong" I inquired.

"It's...like I'm jealous but a bit more, kind of like.." he sounded stuck on his words. He stopped talking and looked pretty lost in thought.

I sat down, tapping on him so that he'd do the same. "Kind of like what?" I asked, sitting across from him.

"Like I won't be satisfied until I know with one hundred percent certainty that you're my (N/n). Especially since that Kou guy's here" he mumbled the last part.

Does he realize what he just said sounded kind of..

"You know we have a different bond than the one I have with Kou" I said, scooting closer to him, so that we'd be sitting right beside each other.

He didn't answer but he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "If it makes you feel better, then you can call me 'your (N/n)'"

He pulled me onto his lap and buried his head in my neck. "Yeah. Calling you mine really makes me feel like we have a stronger connection. It feels nice"


Relationship II Hanako-Kun x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now