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2~Closer pt. 2

"Just act like we're hanging out kay? I'll give you some ideas, or ways to subtly hint you want to be closer"

I sighed a bit. "You sure? I mean Hanako's pretty dense. Subtle hints would probably be too light"

She set her finger on her chin.

"Well. Maybe you're right! Maybe you're just going to have to be really clingy and interact with him a bunch"

I stopped in my tracks, feeling my face heat up.

Even before, whenever we hung out, I never really touched Hanako. Aside from him touching me first. Well, there was that one time when I hugged him accidentally. It was awkward.

"Ah? Something wrong (L/n)?" Yashiro asked, turning around, realizing I stopped walking.

"N-Nothing!" I yelped, catching up with her.


He's just staring at us.

Nene continued to whisper in my ear. When she finally finished, she pat me on the back. "And that's it"

I feel all the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. 'I can do this. I think'

"Hey Nene. That sounds like a lot of talking, and not like a lot of scrubbing"

Crap, he's calling her by her first name. I know she isn't interested in him, but it still makes me jealous.

"Yeah yeah, sorry" She pushes me away, and turns to scrub the floor.

I wasn't standing yet, so I kind of just slid across the slippery floor, coincidentally, right where Hanako was hovering.

I looked up at him.

"Oh that's mean Nene. Here, need help (L/n)?" He asked, holding his hand out to me.

"I- uh yes" I responded, taking the hand he extended.

After getting to my feet, Hanako tried to pull his hand back, but I held onto it and hugged his arm. He looked to the side looked at me, softly at first, but then kind of tauntingly, like he was teasing me.

"Oh, what's this? You never hug me (L/n)"

"Well, friends hug e-each other. W-We're friends r-right?" I stuttered. I didn't realize at the time, but I accidentally let go of his arm. Guess I was too embarrassed to hang onto it.

That doesn't sound so assertive, like how Yashiro told me I should act, but I can't really help it. I don't know how to act like anything other than a complete idiot when I'm around Hanako.

He turned to the side to face me. "Friends?...hm. Not sure. We're more like lovers, wouldn't you agree (L/n)?" He asked, lifting my chin up.

We're like what?! Does he understand what he just said? Has the term 'lovers' changed over the last fifty years? Wh-

"Hehe, I'm only joking. Of course we're friends (L/n)" I felt the hand under my chin move to the top of my head, now petting me.

I saw Yashiro, who was watching intensely, like the hopeless romantic she is, wince.

I should probably be upset, but I'm not too sad about it.

I didn't really know what to say, well because it was pretty awkward.

"Hey Hanako. Am I done cleaning for today?" Nene spoke up.

Wait, is she planning to leave me? All by myself? I don't know what to do!

"Oh, yeah. Kind of forgot you were here Yashiro" he turned away from me, scratching the nape of his neck. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She started walking over toward us, which was next to the door.

"Good luck (L/n)~" she put up a peace sign, finally walking through the door.

I gulped. 'What does she mean good luck? I thought she believed in me!'

Hanako tilted his head to the side in question. "Good luck? Why would she say that? It's only me. You don't hate me, do you (L/n)?"

Why would he think that? He knows I don't hate him..right? He's not that oblivious right!?

"No! I like you a whole bunch!" I yelped in defense, then flinching after realizing I spoke without thinking again. There had to of been a better way to phrase that.

I looked at him, hoping I didn't just out myself, when I saw him blushing a bit. He then shook it off, as if it was obvious..like he knew it already.

He then noticed my staring at him. "Oh, you figured it out huh? Yeah, I was only teasing you. I like seeing your reactions"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

I'm pretty mad at his teasing, but I don't really get why he's teasing me to begin with.

"Well, it's a little late. You should probably get going, right (N/n)?" He asked.

I felt my heart do a little flip.

He...gave me a nickname? He won't even call me by my first name, why in the world would he-

He set his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me, smiling with his eyes squinted, as usual.

"I never really liked your first name, I feel like (N/n) suits you better. Sorry if I'd hurt your feelings, or confused you because I've never addressed you by your first name. Besides, giving each other nicknames is something friends do, right?"

"I-I-I like the name (N-N/n)! Thanks H-Hanako!" I stuttered, feeling really, well, like an idiot.

"Do you feel closer to me now?"

I looked at Hanako, recognizing that phrase and he just smirked. "Did you figure that out too? Hehe, you're pretty smart (N/n). Anyway, yeah, the hakujoudai that's been watching over Yashiro is always there, even when you two are talking about me"

I felt my face heat up to unimaginable temperatures and swatted his hands off of my shoulders while turning away from him. "Y-You knew this whole time. A-and you didn't even say anything a-about it"

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "But look on the bright side. I like (N/n) better than (L/n). Y'know why?"

I didn't answer, I kind of felt like I could speak because of how flustered I was.

"Because it's a name I made up and only I can call you. It makes me feel closer to you, and I think I like feeling closer to you"


Relationship II Hanako-Kun x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now