Chapter 4

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A knock at her door startled Leah awake. Sitting up, she wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked out her window, only to see her pack standing in her driveway. Sighing, Leah threw on some clothes and made her way downstairs. Before opening the door fully, Paul was already pushing himself through. "We need to talk, Leah". He said with his cheat puffed out. Leah rolled her eyes and motioned for the rest of the pack to make their way into her home as she walked into the only place big enough for them all to be in, the living room. "What do you want?" Leah barked, annoyed that she was awoken so early. Paul cleared his throat and looked to the rest of the pack; a smug expression plastered on his face. Leah wanted nothing more than to drop kick him right there. Gosh why was I ever friends with this douche. She thought, a disgusted look now forming on her features. "I was informed about your little visit with Jacob". Leah groaned, cutting him off. This possessive behavior that Leah used to ignore was getting on her nerves. This time seemed different though. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about seeing Jacob hit a nerve with Paul. "Jake's in another pack, not on another planet, I can go visit whoever I want". It was deathly silent. She wondered why the entire pack needed to be here for Paul's little power trip. Leah was already annoyed about the whole imprinting, and now Paul was trying to control her once again. Nothing was going right for her, and she wasn't sure what to do about it. One thing she did know though was that if Paul didn't get a move on with his lecture, then Leah would have to do something no one in this room would like. "I just wanted to remind you of the rules that we have set in place." He smiled, and it took everything in her not to punch him.

Leah remembered the rules. The ones that were put into place after the events of the war. Because of all the bloodshed Paul took it upon himself to make new Quileute rules, ones that set humanity back one hundred years. She understood that he was scared, everyone was. We weren't able to protect our people. But how could we? The whole pack was blindsided. No one could've seen what The Volturi were planning, not even that weird pixie haired girl. Leah couldn't understand what the rules had to do with her visiting Jake.

Her annoyance was through the roof at this point. All she wanted was to be left alone. "Get to the point ". Annoyed, Leah tapped her finger on the couch, hoping this meeting could be over soon. "Okay, okay. In our rules it states that all women in the pack need to be protected and guarded, as long as the pack leader feels that a threat might be near".

"Well, that's a bullshit rule" Leah started, already over it. "I'm not in any danger hanging out with Jake, our pack mate . . . and the rightful Alpha. Paul, you just can't handle that I'm not in the house depressed anymore. You want me to feel trapped like you feel" Smiling Leah walked up to Paul, almost touching noses. "This pack is a joke, and I'd rather die than be a part of it anymore. So, you can shove those sexist rules up your ass Paul cause I'm not here for it. I'll see Jake no matter what any of you idiots think. Now if you could all kindly get out! That would be nice". As her pack members shuffled out of her house, she knew that this was only the beginning of Paul's behavior.


"Jake, I'm telling you. This idiot came knocking on my door like the police. Talking about those dumb ass rules that he made up!" Jacob started laughing. Leah walked around the Cullens living room, puffing out her chest to mimic Paul's. "I'm surprised you didn't go off on them for just waking you up". Leah turned and made an annoyed face. "It's hard to sleep with "Paul the enforcer" banging on my fucking door! I swear I had to hold my inner wolf back from beating the shit out of him". Jake started another fit of laughter as he thought about Leah pouncing on Paul.

Leah sat down in a huff and crossed her arms, a small smirk now forming on her lips. "I've missed your laughter" She sighed, playing with a loose strand on her jeans. It had been years since they were able to really hang out like this, and Leah wished it would have come sooner. Ten years is a long time to not speak to someone you care about. Tears slowly formed in her eyes as she thought about all the lonely nights, she forced herself to have. She felt so selfish! If only she sucked it up and talked to him. "What's the matter Lee". She smiled at the nickname Jake had once given her when they were younger. "Just thinking about how stubborn I've been. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have lost so much time". Jake frowned, and Leah wanted nothing more than to put that happy smile back on his face. Grabbing Leah's hand, he looked deep into her eyes, and finally his smile came back. Leah exhaled the breath she didn't realize she was holding in. "Let's not dwell on the past, Lee. I'm just glad to have you back in my life". Leah laughed through her tears. Jake reached out and slowly wiped the tear from her cheek, a saddened look passing over his features. She held his hand on her cheek for a moment, relishing in the warmth it brought.

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