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We open up with a stylized animated prologue narrated by Splinter, who tells the story of a young man named Hamato Yoshi who was a proud ninja master and member of a powerful clan of ninjas known as the Foot clan, until his life was changed forever when he came across a beautiful young woman named Tang Shen while meditating near a river. startled by her presence, the two felt an immediate attraction to each other, and fell in love. eventually, Yoshi decided to desert the foot clan and leave his former life as a ninja behind to settle down with Tang Shen the two young lovers got married and started a family, raising four beautiful sons together. family life was calm and peaceful for Yoshi, until the family home was attacked by the foot clan and their leader: the shredder. we then cut to the sewers of New York circa 1999 where learn that this was all a bedtime story that Splinter is telling the four young turtles, Mikey asking "and then what happened?" Splinter then pats little Mikey on his green forehead, telling his turtle sons "I'll tell you when you're older" which makes all four turtle tots groan with frustration over not getting to hear the end of the story. Splinter then tells his young sons that it's past their bedtime which makes the four young brothers groan AGAIN however Splinter assures his young sons that they're gonna need to get some shut-eye if they're gonna start their training tomorrow. Splinter then tucks the four brothers into bed and kisses the four of them on the forehead one by one before leaving their room, young Leo telling his brothers that they should listen to Master Splinter and go to bed. the four brothers tell each other good night before we cut to Splinter sweeping the dojo before turning his head to look at an old portrait of the Hamato family on the wall before we cut to a montage of the four turtle brothers training over the years: Leo training with the katana, Donnie training with the bo staff, Raph training with the sai, and Mikey training with the nunchucks all the while Splinter narrates about how his sons are not yet ready to venture above ground, because the surface world which is a harsh and unforgiving place that doesn't accept those like them, but with the proper training one day they will be ready to face the dangers of the surface and go on to do extraordinary things as ninja before our montage ends with the four turtle brothers as teenagers leaving the sewers and climbing up a building to stand atop a roof and strike a pose weapons in hand recreating the cover art of the first TMNT comic.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now