Chapter 21

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Jades POV:
Perrie hasn't been awake for 2 days now she overdosed on heroin. Stupid cunt. We were all keeping hope the doctors pumped her stomach so most of the heroin has left her system but were just waiting for her to gain conscious again. I was beyond fuming with her. The doctor came out and smiled a little "your daughter's awake she's just sleepy and don't take off the wrist restrains we have to do it with all the overdose patients" April nodded "jade you go in first" she said and I got up walking into her room. She smiled sleepily at me "don't you fucking smile at me" she stopped and looked down. "Heroin Perrie really" she looked down and I could see the shame in her eyes. "I gave you another chance so you could be with me ... and your daughter" he head snapped up "it's a girl" she said and gasped "omg come here" she tried to lift her wrists up but couldn't because of her restrains. I didn't go to her and stood looking at her "promise me that you'll go to rehab get your shit together and be back for me and your daughter" she nodded a little "I will I promise" I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Is April mad" she said as I sat down in the chair next to her bed "mad is an understatement" Perrie looked away and I could see the tears in her eyes "she's gonna kick me out I'm gonna be on the streets again I'll be worthless" I rubbed her hand "think of Aladdin baby he was homeless and poor and he met his princess and became a prince because they were in love" she smiled a little "Disney nerd" I smacked her arm lightly "don't call me" I said and she smiled cheekily "I'm guessing you want some chocolate" she nodded a little "Can you come a little Closer I want to rub your stomach" I smiled and walked over and she stroked the small bump. "Love you" she said and smiled. I smiled back and leaned down kissing her. "The chocolate can wait" she said and tried to kiss me again but I moved back "no I like having this control I might have to take over in the bedroom" my blonde girlfriend smirked and coughed a bit before being sick into one of the shitty gray paper bowls. "Sorry" she said and I wiped her mouth kissing her cheek. "It's ok you just need to get help" she nodded "I will thank you you for giving me another chance jade I promise I won't let you down" I smiled and took her right wrist restrain off even though I wasn't meant to and got into the hospital bed next to her and she wrapped her arm around my waist. "So a little girl then jeeze" I smiled and kissed her head. "Yep but we have to have a tradition Arabic name" she smiled and rested her head on my stomach "what does your name mean then" I threaded my fingers in her blonde hair "it means wisdom" she smiled "what we gonna call are princess then" I thought for a moment  "Amira it means princess in Arabic we could use that" she sat up and smiled. "What's the word for queen" she said and tilted her head "malika" she smiled "so I have my malika and my amira" I grinned she's so cheesy "that's cringy but yeah" she smiled "but you love me so it's not" I smiled "I sure do" she smiled and I looked in those beautiful blue eyes. "Your so beautiful" she said and blushed. There's my Perrie. "Thank you gorgeous" she smiled blushing even harder. I leaned over and kissed her and she smiled.

Perries POV;
Jade was asleep April and Sean weren't impressed and they went home which upset me a lot because I remember when I was little before the fire I broke my arm well my brother broke my arm. He decided it was a good idea to push a 5 year old out the bed. My mum stayed in hospital the whole time. I miss her. I guess April didn't stay because I'm not her biological child and I'm just a disappointment to be honest. I didn't even realise I was crying until jade patted my back. "What's up babe" I wiped my eyes "uhh nothing just need the bathroom I'll be back in a minute" I got up and jade smiled at me. "Shit my mum text I've got to go baby I'll be back in the morning" I nodded. Even jade didn't want to stay with me. "Yeah see you tomorrow" she left and I laid there looking at the ceiling. The silence made me feel super lonely. I got the picture off the table next to me of the scan. "Hi then amira umm well I'm your mama I'm sure you'll love that. I'm a bit of a disappointment so don't expect to much I know mummy's gonna look after you so that's ok. Umm I love you though and I promise I'm gonna try my hardest. You might hate me like everyone else or you might actually like me like well not many people I hope your like jade more than me. Beautiful smart kind and just all round perfect. I'll probably just talk to you because I'm lonely but I do love you lots and I hope you love me lots too" I smiled a little and kissed the picture putting it back on the table. I sat there nothing to do apart from twiddle my thumbs and hope I don't go insane. A nurse came into the room and smiled at me "it's late you should get some sleep" I shook my head "I'm not too tired yet" she nodded and pored me a water looking at the table next to me and smiled "that your sibling"  I looked at the picture "uhh no it's uhh my girlfriend she's pregnant so yeah" she smiled and nodded "you've gotta a big family I bet that baby's gonna be spoilt" I smiled a little "uhh yeah I suppose there not my family tho they just look after me and give me a place to stay so" she nodded "what happened to your real family" I sighed I hated when anyone brought this subject up "Umm well when I was 6 my real mum and siblings lived above a shop and uhh well there was a fire downstairs and we got trapped Umm and they all died so I guess I'm lucky I just managed to get out the fire escape in time with my sister but she uhh she died just got all my right side burnt so" the nurse was crying by the end of me telling her "I'm so sorry that must've been so hard for you I'm gonna call my kids and tell them I love them" I smiled a little and nodded and she went out the room. I sighed. That was sort of therapy for me I hate talking about it. I laid back and felt an ache in my chest. I was broken. I sighed and shook my head laying down eventually drifting off.

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