Tower of Heaven pt3

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We kept running in hopes of catching up with Sho. Gray seemed lost in thought as we ran. I chose not to interrupt his thoughts and kept running. When we managed to catch up to Simon, Natsu was getting eaten by a man with an owl head.

"What's going on?" Gray asked, shocked.

"I digest the magical power of people I feed on!" The man exclaimed.

"Give back Natsu!" Happy cried, flying up to the man. The man chuckled and shot Happy with some fire.

"Happy!" Gray shouted. Happy had fallen on the top of one of the birdcages hanging around.

"He's digesting Salamander's magical power and taking it for himself?" Simon asked. "This is the skill of the Assassin's Guild!"

The owl-man prepared a final shot and aimed it at Happy. I made my wings appear and flew off to grab Happy before the blast could touch him.

I smiled at Happy. The poor cat was beaten badly. "It'll be okay, Happy." I flew back up to Gray and Simon and let my wings disappear. "You can handle the Natsu copy-cat," I told Gray.

Gray nodded and took off after the bird-man. "Sheesh..." Gray said. "That's some crazy-hot fire there."

"Oh?" The bird-man said. "Another challenger has entered the ring?"

"Hey," Gray said. "Weren't you supposed to go after Sho and Erza?"

"This guy held us up!" Simon retorted.

"We need to find them quickly, or we're in trouble!" Gray said. "Jellal said that he was planning on using Erza as a human sacrifice." Gray jumped over to us to talk over a plan. I looked at Happy to see tears in his eyes. "I don't think there's anyone who can beat Erza when she's serious, but she's too defenseless while she's trapped inside that card!"

"It was a mistake to tell Sho everything all at once," Simon admitted. "But I never thought he'd go crazy like that."I looked thoughtfully at Happy and then set him down. "I'll go find them," I told Gray. "Get Natsu out of that bird!" Gray nodded, and I jumped down the birdcages to get to the bottom. I dodged the fire blasts as I went along. When I hit the floor, I ran out the door and went up the stairs. I listened to the sounds of Gray fighting and ran even faster. I would find Erza and Sho quickly, I was sure.

By the time I got to Erza, she was fighting a pink-haired woman. I grabbed Sho from where he was watching and dragged him to the side so he wouldn't get hurt. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. "Are you going to help Sister?"

I shook my head. "I promised her I wouldn't interfere," I told him, looking at the fight. "She'll win this fight. Have faith in her." We watched in silence as Erza changed into her last piece of armor. It wasn't anything special; just a pair of pants and some bandages wrapped around her top. She gave a speech about why she wore her armor. She told us she wouldn't wear her armor to guard her heart anymore. I smiled at her promise. She fought the woman again, this time, breaking the woman's sword. When she did that, the battle was finally over as the woman fell.

"Wow!" Sho said. "You are amazing, Sister!"

Erza smiled and looked at us. "Are you unharmed, Sho?"

"Yes," Sho said. "Somehow."

The woman on the floor chuckled. "This is the first time I've lost since I entered the guild..." She said. "But you and Jellal will all lose..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sho asked, holding his arm."Fifteen minutes," The woman said. "The light of justice...will rain down from the heavens...and kill everyone."

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