Edolas pt.2

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"Let's find a place to hide out and compare notes. We have a lot of catching up to do."

Before anyone could respond, a group of soldiers came forward. "There they are!" One of them shouted. "Get them!"

"Let's get out of this town first," Carla said. "We're going to be caught at this rate!"

"Natsu!" Lucy smiled. "Hurry up and get them!"

"How?" Natsu asked, arms crossed.

"Using your magic, obviously," Lucy looked back at him. Natsu protested, saying he and Wendy couldn't use their magic.

Alex groaned. "Of course you can't," She said. Natsu was about to ask why they could use magic when Alex interrupted him. "No time for questions." She stood in front of the guards. " Get out of here while I distract them."

Erik pushed Alex behind him. "You should go with the others. I'll have a better chance of finding you later." He smirked. "Don't worry about me, Fairy Girl. I'm the Poison Dragon Slayer. They can't hurt me." Alex looked at him, concerned, but nodded. She pulled the others with her while Erik faced the guards. "Alright." His hands turned into claws, and his arms were covered in scales. He pulled his arms up and made a cross with them, forming a massive wall of poison. By the time it cleared, the guards were on the ground, and Erik was nowhere to be seen.

When they all regrouped, it was in the woods. "Those guards will be okay, right?" Natsu asked Erik, concerned. He knew just how dangerous Erik's poison could be.

Erik crossed his arms. "Don't worry; they'll only be unconscious for an hour tops.

"We should be okay after running this far, right?" Wendy asked, sitting beside Natsu.

"But how did you all get to Edolas?" Natsu asked.

"We were worried you had turned into lacrima, Lucy," Wendy added.

"Horologium and Mystogan saved me," Earthland Lucy said, smiling. "And since Slayer magic couldn't be pulled up, Alex and Erik here were safe. They came to help." She explained to them what had happened and how Horologium saved her.

"Mystogan?" Carla asked, surprised.

"So that means he's safe too?" Natsu asked.

Lucy nodded and continued her story. "He started to explain what was going on when Alex and Erik found us. When he sent us here, we set out to find Gajeel." Earthland Lucy smiled. "Though I'm glad we were able to find you four first."

"I wonder why Mystogan-san knew about Edolas?" Wendy asked curiously.

"You knew him the best out of all of us," Natsu said, looking at Alex. "Who exactly is he?"

Alex shook her head. "Sorry, Natsu. But that's something you'll have to find out on your own." When he started to protest, she raised her hand. "Who he is isn't important right now. And it has nothing to do with what's happening right now."

"Why is it you all can use magic here, Lucy?" Happy asked.

"Hmm," Earthland Lucy thought about it. "Maybe it's because I'm like the legendary chosen warrior!" She said happily. "And these two are my faithful sidekicks!"

"Hey," Erik snarled. "I'm nobody's sidekick."

Alex chuckled and crossed her arms. "Let her have this," She advised. "It'll be over soon enough." Erik crossed his arms and glowered in silence.

"Honestly, I don't know," Earthland Lucy said, looking at the ground. She wasn't paying attention when Mystogan told them, Alex thought to herself. "If you can't use magic, Natsu, then we're going to be at a real disadvantage."

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