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Blue's POV:
What a boring day! I thought. Nothing new has happened in a few days. Even that asshole Dew didn't bother me. Of course after his action he was full of shame. I was really shocked and mad. It was my first kiss. I cant believe he stole my first kiss. Damn him.... I dont even know why did he act like that. I hate him even more......
"Hey, stop thinking too much." Bright said and slapped me on the back of the neck.
"Ouch..... what the fuck" it hurts.
"What's the matter , Blue? You are in your thoughts these days." Karl said with a soft voice which made me calm.
"I don't know. I just think....." I stopped.
"You can tell us. We are your friends." Bright is so kind with me today.
"Nothing..... Maybe I have stress about exams." I couldn't say the truth.
"Ok.... if you say so.... eat your meal. Its getting cold." Bright pointed to the bowl in front of me.
I just nodded but again I started playing with my food. I can't help stop thinking about that asshole.
"Damn you, Blue... why do you act like this?" Bright yelled and took the spoon from my hand..... I was shocked with his sudden action. He filled the spoon with rice and took it to my mouth. I couldn't do anything but accept that offer.
"So cute..... like new couples." I turned my head towards the owner of the sound. P'Japan..... why is he act like this. We aren't couple. He is just...... just my friend. Damn you Bright.
I was really shocked..... fuck..... why do they see us in these conditions every damn time.
I saw P'Dew. He was just staring at me with empty eyes. He looks awful. All damaged and lifeless. What happened to him? And what's the matter with me? Why do I care. It's annoying. After that kiss i haven't seen him till today.
"No... no... I just want to help him...." Bright said with shy tone. I broke the eye connection and waved to my seniors.
"We won't bother you anymore. Let's go guys." P'Champ said with a serious voice. Why does he act like he is mad at me? I don't think I did wrong to P'Champ. What's going on? P'Champ looks like he wants to kill me.
"Ok....ok.... It is better not to disturb your honeymoon." P'Japan teased. What's the problem with him? He is sometimes annoying.
He didn't say anything else and left our table.
"Man, what's his problem?.... and you , take your spoon. Don't act childish." Bright threw it in the bowl. Some of the soup was sprinkled on my uniform.
"Fuck you.... Bright..... look what you did." I yelled. He drove me crazy.
"Get it...." Karl put the tissue in front of me.
I got it and start cleaning my clothes. I was angry and bust with cleaning. I didn't even notice when Bright left.
"Are you done, Blue?" Karl asked with low voice.
"Yeah..... but where is Bright?" I became curious.
"I dont know... maybe he is upset because of your reaction."
"Really?" I dont think my tone was loud.
"Maybe.... if you finished let's go."
I nodded.
Why does he act like this? He hasn't answered my calls for two days. Sometimes Bright acts like he is girl. I don't think I mistreated him.... ok maybe a little. But it doesn't mean he can act like I dont even exist. I finished my football training and immediately ran to his club.
"Hey, Bright stop.....stop" he didn't turn back. What's the matter with him?
"Hey....wait." I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Hey..." he pulled my hand away from his shoulder friecly.
"What is your problem?"
"I should ask this." He was upset.
"Ok....ok.... I know was wrong."
"Hold on.... I should sorry about your uniform.
"What?..... No problem.... but I thought you are mad at me."
"I'm not."
"But if you weren't why you left the table immediately?"
"Hahahaha ..... I had class.... asshole" wait what? Damn you, Karl....
"I'm glad that you are not mad at me" and made a puppy eyes.
"How can I be mad at cuteyyy like you. Come here." And suddenly he hugged me.

"You are so annoying. You can't flirt here." What the hell..... shit. We immediately parted from each other.
"Omm.... sorry P'Dew..... we just......" I couldn't complete my sentence.
"What is your problem we just hugged." Bright yelled.
"I see. I dont care at all" he didn't say anything and left. Why my heart beats so fast?
"Yeah ...... we won it..." all the members were shouting. It is incredible. I can't believe we won it. The opponent was strong but we won.
"Good job every one." P'Champ shouted. He was happy
"We have to celebrate. " p'Japan said.
"Ok .... ok... I know..... well.... what should we do?" P'Champ was confused.
"Don't think too much let's go to the bar." P'Japan tapped him on the shoulder.
"Ok... ok..... I will pay for all of you." At last P'Champ accept it.
"Well.... let's change and take a shower after that we can go." P'Champ said with a kind manner.

To be continued.....

Well.... I dont know why but I want to update a new part....😅
Of course I'm depressed (I think its about my exams) but I realized that the previous part was too short and maybe you dont believe but your comments made me feel better😊😘
Tnx for your support and hope enjoy this long chaptr.🤗💚
Plz vote.⭐
Sorry for mistakes.🤫
By the way what do you think about why P'Champ is angry with Blue?😉😏

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