12.I love you

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Dew's POV:

The atmosphere in the car was silent. Well after forcing him to get in the car we didn't talk anymore. I didn't have any choice. I couldn't let him get sick..... He is important to me.

".... we arrived" I said and got out of the car.
Of course he also got out of the car "Thank for ride P'..."
I didn't say anything.
After that we went upstairs together.
He went to his door.

"Ohh..... where is my keys?" He was talking to himself while searching for the keys in his bag.
"Ohhhh.... I can't find damn keys..... what should I do now?" He complained.
I was just watching him....
Should I say something?....
"Are you alright?" I asked. didn't know what to ask.
"No, P. I can't find my keys." Said and took his phone out of his bag.
"What are you doing?" I was curious
"I want to call Bright. I want to go to his condo." Oh that asshole Bright..... I hate that noisy guy. He is very close to Blue which makes me anxious.
"You can't go...." shit what did I say just now....
"What? Why?" He was confused.
"Errr...." opss.... I didn't know what to do. I don't want him to stay in that asshole's condo....
"...." he didn't reply. So I should find a excuse.
"You can't go because the weather is awful outside.... If you go you will get sick." Well.... it was true. It was raining heavily outside.
And he was still wet from head to toe.
He was surprised by my answer.
"Well ... where should I stay then?"
"Omm .... you can stay in my condo tonight." Ok I really want him to stay in my condo.
"But...." he didn't continue his sentence.
"No but.... you dont have any other choice." I said seriously. I can't let him go to Bright's condo.
"Oh but I dont want to make P' uncomfortable."
"It's ok ... never mind."
"Ok... thanks P' ..." He agreed.
I opened the door and let him enter first. Well after that mess when I was mad , I am trying my best to be gentleman.
"You are wet..... you should take a shower."
"But I dont bring any clothes."
"You go.... I'll give you some of my clothes."
"I know you are too small.... but you don't have any choice."
"Ok... P'..."
He went to the bath. After that I search for suitable clothes for him..... but for a small kitten like him my clothes are too big.
I knocked on the bathroom door.
"Hey.... ommm.... Blue... I found some clothes...."
Suddenly he opened the door and took them from me.
I was shocked..... his white skin made me crazy even when being wet made me to want to touch his body......
After giving clothes I went to the bed and sat in the corner of the bed.... waiting to see him.

Oh..... someone help me. I can't handle this. He came out the bath. Well... that clothes were too big for him.....
"Cute...." what did I say just now?
"Omm....." i dont know he heard that maybe he dont care even about my words.
I sighed....
Immediately I stood up and searched for a towel in my closet. I was confused to what to do.
"If you don't wipe your hair you will get sick...." said and took his hand and sat him on the bed. I sat next to him. Start wiping his hair. His hair is soft like a kitten.
It enchants me..... my heart can't handle it anymore.
That scent made me to move my nose closer and smell that natural scent of his body.... even my nose was touching his hair.
"I can do it myself" suddenly turn away his head and took the towel from my hand.
I became still.
"Ok.... of course...." and got up.
"...." He didn't say anything.
"Ommm.... I want to take a shower."
He just nodded.
I went to the bathroom.
After taking a quick shower I came out of the bathroom. I wasn't wearing anything except a towel around my waist. Well.... I was just showing off my perfect body to the boy who is lying on the bed. But he didn't even look at me. What a shame....
That damn phone is more important than me?....
"It's enough" I yelled. what the hell? Why did I say that? Why am i mad?
"What?..." The person who raised his eyes from phone made a confused face.
"Errr.... I meant it's late..... and.... can I turn off the light?"
"Oh..... ok" agreed. I did that and went to the my own side of the bed.
The room was dark.
I couldn't resist his attraction which makes me crazy everytime.
I was staring at the ceiling.
His back was facing me and I felt dizzy.
Ok.... I can't handle it anymore...
Suddenly I turned to him and hugged him from behind.
That scent..... drives me crazy. I buried my nose in his neck.
Is he sleeping?..... he didn't react so I hugged him tighter.
"Hey...." At last a word escaped his mouth.
"Let me hug you....." I said.
"...." he sighed.
"Hugging you makes me addicted. I don't know why but I want to smell your body. Touching your soft body makes me feel better. Your cute face....." I delayed and kissed his neck.
"I want your eyes for myself. I want to kiss every inch of your body and smell that scent. You tricked me. At first I thought my madness was because of hate but now I understand that..... that I love you..... please forgive me for being an asshole...."
Suddenly he turned back and pushed me away. He wanted to get up but I held his hand.
"Let me go...." Shouted fiercely. Now both of us is sitting on the bed and staring to each other.
"No.... what's your problem?...." I asked. I was confused. Why is he acting like this?
"Please stop.... i beg you.... don't give me false hope.... go to your girlfriend and leave me alone."and burst into tears. He was mad.
Wait... what?
"Hey.... what do you mean?.... please calm down..." I was confused.
"Don't say that .... I hate you.... everytime you give me hope but after that break my heart.... it hurts." He pointed to his chest when he was crying.
That makes me feel sad.....
"Please stop...." I hugged him tightly.
"No..... let me go" trying to escape from my arms.
"Let's talk , please...." I didn't know what to do.
"I don't want"
"Blue...." I cried out. It's enough. I don't want him to be sad.
He stopped crying. He was calm in my arms.
"I don't know what you meant but I don't have girlfriend." Immediately pushed me away and frowned.
"Don't lie.... if you dont have who is that bitch?"
"What do you mean? Seriously I can't understand." Asked with a puzzled face.
"How many girlfriend do you have? Even you can't remember."
"Hey stop.... please tell me."
"The bitch who I saw a few days age in front of your room..... named Milk."
"Milk?" I was smiling like an idoit.
"Yeah.." yelled.
"She is my sister.... you silly boy." I got closer and wiped his tears with my fingertip.
"What? Sister?" Made a confused face.
"Yeah" said kindly and stroked his head.
Those kitty eyes suddenly sparkled.
I approached him and and kissed his lips. This time was different and let me to enter my tongue to his mouth. I tasted every inch of his mouth. That sweetness..... I can't describe it. He fascinate me everytime......

To be continued....

Ok..... what a long chapter!😉
how was it? Do you like this chapter?🤔
I'm in good mood because Max Nat will have their own series. Although it will be mini series , I'm happy about that news. Let's support them. I love this couple very much.🧡🤗
Sorry for mistake and plz vote⭐

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