Chapter 8

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A month passed by in a flash since that night that held so much drama and not to mention changes in almost everyone's lives.

My cousin Namjoon was just released from hospital last week and he's now staying with us so we can look after him since he had to use a wheelchair due to his two broken legs. Let's just say Namjoon is not happy about it one bit, I think he's hitting a stage of depression.

Yuna is still in a coma and the doctors have been very worried if she'll ever pull through from it but Lisa and I try to see her everyday even after school and weekends. Namjoon told us that they were driving back to Jimins house first so Yuna can stay at mine with everyone else that took a taxi while he had plans to go back to his with the woman that happened to be the woman behind the bar that night.

It's all very sad and devastating. Namjoon said it wasn't their fault as a truck ran a red light and collided into their car. It was proven not their fault anyway since it was caught on camera for proof. The truck driver was falling asleep at the wheel and was sentenced to prison for manslaughter for five years and so he should be in my opinion. Teaches him a lesson to be falling a sleep at the wheel.

I could of lost Namjoon and Yuna just like my parents and I don't know how I would of handled that but I'm thankful theyre still alive even though Yuna is barely.

As for what happened between Jungkook and I let's  just say we never spoke about what happened again, or if not about anything other than when we have to in class. I'm still angry with the way he left but I've kept my mouth shut especially after finding out from Yoongi that he managed to fix things with Nayeon somehow and I don't know how and I don't want to know how. I'm officially done giving a crap, I was just used for so he could get one over in his wife clearly.

Every now and then the memory of the way he left me there in his motel room comes to mind every now and then and I can't help but glare at him sometimes whether it be in class or at home here he comes to see Jimin and the others on their Friday nights to which Nayeon has started coming around with him a lot too and that's when I keep my distance and stay in my room with Lisa sometimes or hang out with minho doing his homework with him or keeping him company.

I mean for a six year old he knows when I'm not happy and when there's something wrong but I can't go telling him about my problems he's too little to understand.

Which reminds me I'm gonna have to ask Jimin or Yoongi or even Taehyung to pick him up from school today since I don't think I'm going to be able to. We take turns on days to pick him up but today I'm not feeling so good and plan to go home straight after class. Even if it means having to wait to see Yuna tomorrow then it'll have to be tomorrow I see her.

It's just after lunch and I think whatever I ate was not agreeing with me what's so ever and it doesn't help that I'm in Jungkooks class and I can't concentrate on taking notes down from the board that's he's written up.

I could feel my stomach bubble within myself and that I could throw up at any moment but that means having to talk to him to excuse myself and I don't want to but here if I don't I might just like all over the floor. Clutching my stomach I dropped my pen down on the table with a loud sigh and unfortunately it caught the attention of Jungkook who looks at me in concern seated at his desk. Throughout the lesson he's been giving me glances like he alway does now but today more than usual probably because he can tell I'm not feeling so good just like how Lisa keeps asking if I'm okay to which I'm not, I feel like shit.

Jungkook stood up from his desk and comes walking over to mine and Lisa's desk that also held yunas empty seat between us. He stops and crouches down to my level trying to get me to look at him but I roll my eyes and sit back avoiding any way of looking at him.

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