Part 2

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When Robin came to, he realized two things. One, his hands were tied behind his back and his ankles were also tied. Two, they weren't tied that tightly. He also noticed that, he was leaning against the back of the couch and the rest of his teammates were tied up and leaning against the opposite wall. They appeared to be restrained more thoroughly and some of them had power dampeners. Robin also knew that even though he wasn't tied that tightly he wasn't currently strong enough to escape. He was about to say something to his team when Deathstroke walked into his line of vision.

Deathstroke approached Robin. "I see that you are finally awake."

"Get away from him!" Wally shouted.

"I would keep your mouth shut unless you would like me to permanently quiet you." Deathstroke said keeping his eyes on Robin.

Robin felt his mouth starting to open. No, he told himself, don't say it, "Do you think that straction would be the opposite of distraction? So like straction would mean to be focused." Too late. The team stared at him as if he were crazy and at this point Robin was wondering if they were right. He couldn't seem to concentrate on what was coming out of his mouth.

Deathstroke chuckled. "You really are sick."

"I could be faking."

"But we all know you aren't"

"So are you going to kidnap me now or what? Because as you can tell I'm kind of out of it and would really like to rest."

Deathstroke said nothing. "I think I will wait. I enjoy a challenge and as we both know you are currently unable to pose much of a threat."

"Are you serious right now? First, you're like, I will kidnap you and make you my evil apprentice. Then, you're like, well since you're sick I guess I'll leave you alone for now. It's like you're flopping between evil maniac and concerned mentor. Its disturbing and I'd really like you to stop."

Deathstroke chuckled. "Like I said, I enjoy a challenge. So please, for both our sakes, rest." He turned to go. As he was about to exit through the zeta tubes he turned back. "I'll come get you when you are better, apprentice."

Robin groaned when he left.

"Dude! What was that?!" Wally yelled.

"Quiet please! My head is killing me." Robinlaid his head back ignoring his teammates and finally let himself fall intoblissful sleep.  

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