Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to EternalxxPhantasm, silly-sophie, chocoloco10 and Bandia. Thanks for being such awesome reviewers!

Chapter 3


            Hunting deer was repulsive, the very smell made my stomach twist into a knot. But we did what we had to survive. The future looked bright, the burning in my throat had ceased momentarily, and with the light of the late afternoon sun seeping through the trees, I felt a certain calm usually reserved for humans.

            I was so caught up in the calm that I didn’t realize the eerie emptiness settling over a certain part of my brain. I smelled the scent of a cougar, far better than herbivores, and sprang towards it without a second thought.

            When my mind cleared about eight minutes later, the future had changed completely. Gone was a future of a happy family and a calm world. More importantly, gone was a pair of muddy brown eyes that I had grown so accustomed to seeing.

            That was when I panicked. A sheen of light pink sweat formed on the back of my neck, and if my heart had worked, it would have been pumping a mile a minute. I had opened my phone in less than one third of a second and pressed down the second number on my speed dial.

            “Carlisle, I can’t see.”

            “What, Alice! What happened?” Carlisle asked alarmed.

            “It’s Bella! I can’t see Bella,” I explained, slurring my words together in a desperate attempt to explain it fast.

            “That’s not anything to worry about Alice,” Carlisle said patronizingly. “This has happened before, and I hope you remember what happened last time. Please, try to find proof this time before scaring your brother senseless!”

            I do have proof,” I whispered quietly, although it was not something I wanted to admit to myself. I didn’t like picturing my favorite brother that way. I saw his chin covered in lilac-smelling blood, and could barely believe that this was Edward.

            “ Alice, please tell me you aren’t saying what I think you are. Edward would never-“

            “Actually Carlisle, he definitely would,” I interjected, regaining my senses.

            The phone clicked, Carlisle had hung up. So I started home. Now that I had the time to think, I felt awful for Edward. It must fell terrible to kill the one you love, and have to live with that fact for eternity. I could barely imagine the pain of losing Jazzy, and I would never be the one to kill him. I would manage to forgive him; I really would try, because his heartache must be a thousand times worse than mine.

            Then I saw something so horrific my grief for Bella was erased completely. Jasper, mangled, pieces scattered around an old fire pit close to the house Esme was fixing up for Bella and Edward.

            I wasn’t thinking anymore. My mind was on autopilot. I was just moving my feet. Our involuntary reaction was to run, and that’s exactly what I was doing. At the speed of 160 miles per hour, the universe didn’t seem to exist. I ran for hours until about the coast of Maine, when the loneliness managed to catch up with me.

            I curled into a small ball on a bed of decaying plant fibers and stared up at the

Half moon. And then I did something completely impossible. Biology, Carlisle’s words and vampire experts all forbid it. Maybe it was because of the human confusion I was feeling at that moment.

            For whatever reason, I sat u on all fours and heaved. Then I vomited. A gush of salty blood came pouring out of my mouth. I heard a splashing sound and all I could see when I opened my eyes was red.

            But I barely registered my surprise. Surprise was a complicated emotion, and the only thing I could feel was sadness. And without Jasper, I was afraid that was the only thing I would ever feel.

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