Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


            I was once again a cold God. Sprinting over the Bay of Biscay in the dark, too fast to ever break the surface of the water felt like flying. I was soaring, elated and I could feel the satisfaction of beautiful blood combining with the swooping sensation in my stomach. With salt slapping my face, it was easy to imagine that I was God, that I had the privilege and right to take human life. Looking back, I realize that I acted like quite an arrogant fool.

            The coast of France was very pretty at night. I had been here many times and could remember the lovely lights and sounds. But tonight, I could fully appreciate the smell. The French humans smelled a lot better than the Americans, they hadn’t been filling their plates with awful takeout. French cuisine truly was more delicious.

            No time for that now, I reminded myself. I had more important matters to attend to a few countries over. Reluctantly, I blocked the smell, a trick I had tried with Bella. I kept running, but I would have to either rest or eat soon.

            Somewhere in the Swiss Alps, I had to stop. Even young Gods must rest every now and again, I reminded myself. The beds of snow that coated the mountains made excellent resting spots, as long as you can’t feel the cold. Although sleep wasn’t an option for a vampire, daydreaming was somewhat recuperative. So I sat and relived this afternoon’s beautiful meal. The top of K2 would make a perfect throne, for future royalty, I decided. After the thoughts of my soon-to-be-status, I couldn’t sit still.

            My bag had gotten lighter, as I had to reapply hair gel and change out of my soggy clothes into new ones. I abandoned it in a bathroom in Vatican City. Volterra was only about three minutes away, and I had to look my best.

             The last time I had been in Volterra, it had been packed with humans wearing red robes. But Saint Marcus Day was long over. At five A.M., the streets were close to empty, and at this time in February, the fountain in the Main Plaza was dry. The only sparse light came from a couple streetlamps about fifty feet from me. The half moon was reflected in the windows of all the cathedrals and shops circling the plaza.

            “Look what we have here, Alec. Edward Cullen, vegetarian vampire extraordinaire.” I smirked. This was exactly the person I had been hoping to meet.

            “Why, hello Jane,” I said with a genteel charm. “ Alec. I had been hoping to see Aro. May I have the honor of meeting with him?”

            “Of course Edward. Aro will be delighted, “ Alec replied with false enthusiasm.

            “Oh I am sure that he will be most pleased,” I laughed.

            “Why would that be?” Jane inquired, not wanting to let any of the curiosity that I saw in her mind leak into her voice.

            “Because,” I turned to face the twins, allowing my crimson eyes to gleam in the moonlight. I heard Jane and Alec’s internal gasps of surprise. “ I have decided to rethink his offer.”

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